Sunday, June 5, 2011

Making the most of Spring Time

Hey all! It's been about 2 months since I've last posted and I dietietic internship is coming to a close which means it's a very busy time for me. However, excuses aside, I had a craving to make a post today.

It's Spring Time....typically everyone's favorite time of the year. It's also the healthiest time of the year for most people. We are all coming out of our winter rut...the sweatshirts are coming off and the tank tops are coming on! People are more active outside and in general due to the fact that summer is approaching...which means, bikini season.

Spring time is a wonderful time of the year. Fresh fruits and vegetables are popping up and becoming a little more available (locally if possible, of course) and a little less expensive. Now's the time to be eating those salad greens that we all love because they are in an abundance during this time of the year. Now is also the time to start watching the summer produce start to enter the supermarkets at a little less of a price. Start to be aware of how much apples are and how much those fall-like items's because they are not in season...try to buy what it is less expensive because they are likely to be the items in season. :)

On the same topic, as long as you have some type of outdoor space, you can start a little garden of your own. Even a porch will do! Buy some herb seeds, or vegetable seeds (do your research on what plants will work best for your area) and start growing your own food! Less money than buying at the grocery store and the food will be as fresh as fresh can be!

Get out there and enjoy the beautiful weather! I'm one of those who loves the Spring but can sometimes dread the summer in terms of being active. Running in the Spring is much more enjoyable to me than running in the summer. We all know that. I hate the humidity NY has...but this summer I am going in with a better attitude. If you want to remain active in the summertime despite the humid and hot conditions, sign yourself up for a race or buy yourself a bike/canoe/kayak and plan to be active in the summer. Do some research and find some equipment that will make you being active all spring and summer...easier. Like buying a water bottle that you can run with....purchasing exercise clothes that are condusive to the weather you may be enduring.

Back to bikini season, everyone is freaking out about looking great this summer. It's that time of the year where people are going on crazy crash diets and going to the gym religiously in order to look great for the beach. Here's the thing: it all starts out positive and comes from a positive place usually, but over-doing it can lead to negative side effects. So do me a favor and eat lots of produce, include your whole grains, protein sources, and healthy fat sources, and just eat when you're hungry and stop when you are full. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. This way you don't have to go on a crash diet. Also, with the working out, get outside and just be active! Sometimes we think that if our activity doesn't involve a treadmill and a set of dumbells, it's not doing anything. WRONG! Moving your body is what is key! Go out with some friends and dance the night away....go play soccer with your family....go along the beach or go hiking! Go to the beach and play volleyball. EVERYTHING COUNTS! :)

So get out there, plant a porch garden, eat lots of fresh produce, wear your sunscreen, and be active!!!

Next blog post will be about: Food Guide Pyramid is changing to a plate..what does that mean for you?

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