Monday, October 31, 2011

Motivation Monday: Quote!

Well, we are back to Monday!
You know what that means.. Motivation Monday!

Quote for today: 
"Don't be afraid to give yourself everything you've ever wanted." 

Try not to be scared of the unknown *trust me, I need to take my own advice more often*. I will be the first person who will admit it...I am scared of the unknown, but you know what, I have grown to appreciate the unknowns of life. I have faced that fear. It is easier said than done. HOWEVER, if you are scared of something, face the fear. With every fear you face, you will become stronger and more confident. Who doesn't want that?

What are some things that people fear in 
terms of health?

1.Scared to be off of a diet (what if I fall off of the bandwagon...well, what if there is no such thing as a bandwagon..can't fall off of something that isn't real)

2.Fear of going on a diet (Then don't! You are afraid of it for a reason, maybe you are scared that you will deprive yourself, so do yourself a favor, and don't do it!--learn how to eat healthy foods instead).

3. Fear of gaining weight (so you end up doing the same exercises and eating the same foods and you eventually end up hitting a plateau and not enjoying food (deprivation)...which may lead to binging)

4. Scared of exercising (I don't know if my body can take it, I don't know what to do, I don't know how to do it, I don't know if what I'm doing is right. Instead meet a trainer, look up exercise programs online, ask a friend...find a way to become comfortable being uncomfortable)

5. Scared of going out to eat (wouldn't that mean I am "cheating" and will then gain weight?)

6. Fear of failing (What if failure wasn't an option? Who decides success and failure other than yourself. Set yourself up for success.)

7. Scared of the unknown (the "what if's" of life. Just to let you know, the what ifs in life is what makes life surprising and spontaneous. Why do you want to know the answer to everything anyways?!) 

8. Fear of putting yourself out there (that is what life is all about- put yourself out there and who knows what amazing doors may open.)

9. Scared of exercising in a gym or around other people (everyone will be looking at me...not true, everyone is worried about the same thing you are)

10. Scared of getting on the scale (so don't! Maybe use how your clothes fit instead!)

The biggest one:
11. Fear of facing yourself (the reality of your health, the reality of your weight, the reality that you have some changes to make).

Facing yourself is hard. It's challenging. It makes you look deep inside to figure out what is going on with you. BUT facing yourself...your goals, the obstacles in the way, your past, your future, and what you are doing now, is ESSENTIAL to you getting to your goals and to become healthier.  

You can not grow if you never realize where you are starting from. 

So today, for motivation Monday, I challenge you to FACE A FEAR of yours. Maybe it's one of the one's listed, or maybe it's not, either way, face a fear today. 

Do something healthy for yourself!

Caitlin *

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Whole Foods Trip!

Today I went to this new Whole Foods in town with Michelle! I really LOVE grocery shopping, like I look forward to it every week. I see grocery shopping as the time in the week that sets me up for a healthy week of eating. Also, every time you buy something, you are voting. Businesses keep products on their shelves that sell well. Where do they get that info? By the sales! So if you want to keep seeing your favorite healthy items, you have to buy them! 

Okay, enough about that.

Here are some pics of our trip.

 Some of the items at the checkout line. Lots of frozen fruits, fresh fruits, salad greens, carrots, Think Thin Bars (obviously).

How can you not want to eat fruits and vegetables? 
The colors are so pretty!
So all and all, it was a very successful shopping trip! Spent about $80 and purchased tons of fresh fruits and vegetables, sparkling waters, organic peanut butter, Think Thin Bars, coffee, frozen fruits, almond milk (unsweetened vanilla and chocolate), garlic, onions, some sweet treats out of the scoopie bins (chocolate covered almonds, pecans, yogurt covered pretzels, organic ginger snaps),   and apple cider vinegar.

We already have fish, free range chicken, beans, ground all natural turkey, and veggie burgers for the week. Oh and of course, pumpkin seeds and nuts. 

Did you all go grocery shopping!? What are your favorites?

Hope you had a wonderful and relaxing weekend! 

Do something healthy for yourself!

Caitlin *

Friday, October 28, 2011

Favorite Things Friday! Workout Gear!

Happy Favorite Things Friday! :) 

Here is my favorite workout gear!

 Lululemon Website:

Nike Free Website:

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!! I am training the Beyond Fitness Challenge WINNER, Christine, on Sunday morning! 

Do something healthy for yourself!
Caitlin *

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tried and True Thursday- How to stick with exercising!

Happy Tried and True Thursday!

Today's fact is about sticking with exercising.
Click my crazy face for more info:

Consistency is KEY. This is why finding activities that you enjoy doing is SO important. Find something you truly enjoy doing...running, bike riding, tennis, walking, hiking, horseback riding, swimming, wake boarding, weight lifting,skiing, taking spin classes, dancing, Zumba!, ice skating, long walks on the beach, cleaning the house (hey, some people ENJOY cleaning--crazy I know). 

Just find something you like to do and you will be more apt to stick with it! Also, since variety is the spice of life, it also might be a good idea to VARY your 1) you don't get bored and 2) you use different muscles when you do different activities. 

Do something healthy for yourself today!

-Caitlin *

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Work It Out Wednesday- Workout Routine!

Happy Work it out Wednesday!

Side Note: Look at my face above. PRICELESS. I think it's time to get some editing software...

Here is a video for the Perfect Squat:

Here is today's Workout Routine

3 sets of 15 reps

 Circuit 1
1. Squats (with or without weight)
2. Push Ups
3. Plank (30sec-1 minute)

Circuit 2
1. Side Lunge (alternating side to side)
2. Frontal Raise (use dumbbells)
3. Side Plank (30 sec each side)

Circuit 3
1. Posterior lunge with side raise 
2. Bicep Curls
3. Shoulder Press (Machine or free weights)

Circuit 4
1. Back Bridges
2. Crunches
3. Supermans

**As always, before starting any workout routine, please discuss with your doctor. **

NOTE: Any exercises you are unsure of, YouTube the exercise and/or Google the exercise. Ex. Shoulder Press correct form. 

If you don't have weights, get creative and use household objects like water bottles. :) 

**IF you want me to make an instructional video of this routine, COMMENT and POST on Beyond Fitness Facebook Page. **  


Do something healthy for yourself!

-Caitlin *

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Try Something New Tuesday- SQUATS

Happy Try Something New Tuesday Everyone!!!!

What crazy thing am I coming up with for this week? 

CLICK ON THE VIDEO and find out! :)


From now until you go to bed! 100 of those! 

Boost up that metabolism...get your booty and quads burning! Squeeze your core!

Do something healthy for yourself! (Meaning the challenge)

-Caitlin *

Monday, October 24, 2011

Motivation Monday: What Motivates YOU?!

Today's Motivation Monday is all about figuring out WHAT motivates YOU.

Is it your health? Your family? Your future? Your past? Fitting into an awesome pair of jeans? Gaining your confidence back? Becoming a role model for your kids? Taking your life back into your hands? 

Figuring out what motivates you is HUGE. If you don't know why you want to get to your goal, then you will never get there. There is a reason why you want to get to your goal, and you have to figure out what that WHY is.

It's that "WHY" factor that will be in the forefront of your mind and will be a constant reminder of why you are doing the work you are doing. WHY you are changing parts of your life. CHANGE is tough. 

It's that "WHY" factor that will keep you going. 

So for Today's Motivation Monday...I challenge you to find your motivation. 

Do something healthy for yourself.

-Caitlin *

Weekend in New Hampshire!

 Welcome to New Hampshire!!! Live Free or Die baby :)

This weekend I went to my hometown of Keene, New Hampshire to visit friends and family for Pumpkin Fest! Here are some videos from the weekend :) 

My Workout in the Park:

 Last NH Video (but shot in NY)

Hope you all had a great weekend! :) 

Caitlin *

Friday, October 21, 2011

Favorite Things Friday! Smoothies!!!

Happy Friday!!! 
 Favorite Thing Friday- Smoothie Edition

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! I'm heading home to NH for the Keene Pumpkin Festival! :) Can't wait to see my friends and family! Love you guys!!!

Tried and True Thursday- Recent Research about squeezing your fist!

Tried and True Thursday- 1 day late sorry! Crazy day yesterday. 

Anywayyyssssss....Check out this video! It may help you to make a healthier choice next time you are faced with a tough decision. 

Hope you all had a healthy day yesterday!

Caitlin *

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Last Weekend: Apple Picking and Hiking :)

This past weekend I went Apple Picking and Hiking with a couple friends, Mike and Darwin. 

First, we went on a 2 hour hike. The first hour was legitimately straight up the mountain. 1.25 miles vertically...rock climbing. It was hardcore :)

 Here are some more pictures of the hike!
View from the top!

Mike and Darwin Climbing those rocks.

Being Silly...this was about half way up.
  At the bottom. HIKE DONE. We ran the entire way was a blast.

                                         Halfway up!
                                          Halfway up! 

One thing I have to say about hiking is that it's natures way of making you realize that it can KICK YOUR BUTT. You do not need a gym to get that body moving and working. Nature is a gym. AND It's free too :) 

Apple Picking

 We went to Stuart's Farm in Yorktown I believe. It was a beautiful orchard...TONS of apples. Perfect weather. Sun was shining and the apples were so crisp and refreshing. 

Now I just need to figure out what to do with all of my apples. I will probably make some apple sauce and some healthy apple crisp. 

It was a beautiful day altogether. Good company, good food, got in a good sweat session, and it was perfect weather. 

I hope you enjoyed your weekend! 

Go do something healthy for yourself! :)

-Caitlin *

Work it Out Wednesday: Anything counts!

Good Morning All!

It's Work it out Wednesday! This is what I did this morning/am planning on doing for a workout!

Want to see where I teach Spin? Spin is one of the loves of my lives. 
 Just seeing myself at the beginning of this video cracks me up. Oh my good Lord.  

GO fall in love with spinning! You will never regret it! :)

Do something healthy for yourself!

Caitlin *

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Try Something New Tuesday- Stretching!

Well Good Morning!

I hope you have had a wonderful morning so far...hope you were able to either get a healthy breakfast in and/or a workout in...or BOTH! 

Try Something New's Tuesday! 

Have a wonderful day and do something healthy for yourself! 

REMEMBER: Moving forward means letting go of the past! 

-Caitlin *

Monday, October 17, 2011

Motivation Monday #3

Happy Motivation Monday!! 

"You must let go of the past, so future can find it's place."

Do something healthy for yourself today!

 Caitlin * 

**REMINDER: It's not too late to win the FREE PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION! Like, comment, post as much as you can. WINNER ANNOUNCED WEDNESDAY NIGHT! **

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Beyond Fitness Giveaway!

Hola Everyone! 

It's a beautiful fall day here in New York! 

I challenge you to get outside and enjoy the weather today! Be active :) Move that body.

"You'll never regret a workout"

Before Run

After Run (notice rosy cheeks)

Have a wonderful day! 

Go do something healthy for yourself!

-Caitlin *

Friday, October 14, 2011

Favorite Things Friday! Seltzer Water :)

*Favorite Things Friday is here!!!

Seltzer's something my Gram always loved to drink when I was growing up yet I could never understand why...

Until about a couple of years ago when I figured out how AWESOME it really is. 

Seltzer water is awesome because:
1) It comes in so many different flavors
2) It's bubbly!
3) It's versatile
4) It's much healthier than soda (even diet soda). No artificial sweeteners! 
5) It's inexpensive
6) It's it's healthy and will help keep you hydrated!

Here's a quick and delicious cocktail recipe !
1-2 shots of flavored vodka (I like Stoli Razz)
4 -5 ice cubes
Fill the rest of glass with Seltzer Water (I like Cherry)
Splash of Pomegranate Juice (POM)
2 slices of lime or lemon

Stir it up...Enjoy!

My Favorite Seltzer Waters:

 Or just buy the brand name ones at any Grocery Store!

Alright, Have a wonderful Friday!

Go do something healthy for yourself!

-Caitlin *