Friday, October 14, 2011

Favorite Things Friday! Seltzer Water :)

*Favorite Things Friday is here!!!

Seltzer's something my Gram always loved to drink when I was growing up yet I could never understand why...

Until about a couple of years ago when I figured out how AWESOME it really is. 

Seltzer water is awesome because:
1) It comes in so many different flavors
2) It's bubbly!
3) It's versatile
4) It's much healthier than soda (even diet soda). No artificial sweeteners! 
5) It's inexpensive
6) It's it's healthy and will help keep you hydrated!

Here's a quick and delicious cocktail recipe !
1-2 shots of flavored vodka (I like Stoli Razz)
4 -5 ice cubes
Fill the rest of glass with Seltzer Water (I like Cherry)
Splash of Pomegranate Juice (POM)
2 slices of lime or lemon

Stir it up...Enjoy!

My Favorite Seltzer Waters:

 Or just buy the brand name ones at any Grocery Store!

Alright, Have a wonderful Friday!

Go do something healthy for yourself!

-Caitlin *

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