Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Motivation Monday #2

Happy Motivation Monday! Today's Motivational Quote is:

"Turn your can'ts into cans and turn your dreams into plans".

Start by saying "I can" more often. I hear people say "yeah but I can't" wayyyy to often. It's basically putting yourself down. Would you ever tell a friend he/she couldn't do something? Well, start being your own friend. Start telling yourself YOU CAN.

Quit saying "I can't" to everything that scares you or seems difficult/challenging. You CAN do anything you set your mind to. Your dream can become your reality...just make a plan.

So if your dream is to be the healthiest you've ever been...determine HOW you can get there. Determine your plan. Make the plan and start telling yourself you CAN do it.

Go out there and reach your potential. It's nothing to be scared of.



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