Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Why Lifting Weights can help everyone

Lifting. My favorite type of exercising. Let me tell you why.

1) It makes you strong.
2) It makes you look awesome.
3) Moving around and doing activities of daily living are easier because you lift weights that are heavier than anything in your everday life.
4) It keeps your bones healthy and strong.
5) Lean body mass (muscle) is more metabolically active...meaning it will use and burn more calories than let's say fat. And we all want a faster/higher metabolism.
6) It allows your body to fight the aging process which involves the breaking down of muscle cells. boo.
7) You feel like you have worked hard after you finish lifting.

A few reasons why people don't lift:
1) Women in particular, are afraid of looking like Hulk Hogan or the Incredible Hulk. If you haven't noticed ladies, those 2 examples...are MEN. We do not have enough testosterone to get big...and if you don't take steroids, you won't get big. Most women who start lifting really enjoy the results they get because they can see some definition because they lose fat and they can actually see muscles. People tend to call this "tone".
2) They think cardio can do everything for need to lift. WRONG. You use different types of fibers (slow and fast twitch) when doing different activities. Cardio and weight lifting utilize one or the other...but doing both of them will end up working BOTH. SO lift and do cardio.
3) They don't have enough equipment or access to a gym. Your body weight can be your best friend. Squats, lunges, tricep dips, pull ups, push ups, etc etc. You can do most things just by using your body weight. SO quit the excuses.
4) They are lazy or don't want to change. I can't really do much about this one. But maybe you could go talk to someone if this person is you. Why you wouldn't want to be strong, feel good, look good, and be healthier is beyond me.

Okay. That's enough about lifting. I'm a fan for some many reasons and if you have any questions ask away! I'd love to hear from you!

I will be posting less often because I am in a grad program from now until June. It's my first week and I've had tons of work to do every night. I apologize...but the more you comment, the more I will find time to write! :)

What do you think about this post??

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


That four letter word has always scared me. REST? WHY! Isn't that what lazy people do? I am the "I can rest when I'm dead" kind of girl. But honestly, it can be the best medicine for us...mentally, as well as, physically.

My last week at Equinox was on Friday (the 13th--weird) and my first week in my graduate internship is on Monday the 23rd so I decided to take a week off. I'm in upstate NY visiting my girlfriend's parents. It has been SO relaxing so far...this place is the ultimate place to rest and relax.

I've woken up every morning since Saturday feeling refreshed, rejuvinated, and ready to move around! I've taken yoga classes, went on a run, bike ride, name it! It's been really nice to just relax and REST.

I've been sleeping about 8 hours a night and I've been falling asleep when I'm tired and then wake up when I'm ready....not really by an alarm (although this morning I set it for 645am because I had a yoga class to be at 8am).

My body is starting to finally feel the effects of sleeping in and moving through my day a little slower than usual. It usually feels good but this is different. I wake up in the morning, decide if I'm hungry...have some water and coffee outside on the deck...surrounded by beautiful flowers. Then I decide what I want to riding, run, walk, take a class at the nearby gym.

I wouldn't necessarily call this a vacation either...I am a week away from starting a full time graudate dietetic internship program that runs for 10 months. I have had plenty of hw and a paper that have kept me busy since June 7th. Needless to say, some of the hw assignments are still not done. SO this week is bitter sweet. No agenda, but enough stuff to do. I'm sure we all know how that can be.

Long story long, it's really good for us to take a weekend, day, or hour to just relax and rest. Whether that be meditate, take a walk, lay and think on your bed, do yoga, or just sit and think. It's all good for us. Take some time to breathe. Take some time to rest and rejuvinate yourself. :)

On that note, it's time for dinner and then round 2 of yoga...moonlight yoga. :) Then back to my paper.

What do you do to rest and rejuvinate yourself????

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ask Yourself These Questions

Did I do everything I could today to get me to my goal?

Did I do everything I could today to be healthier?

Those questions are SO important to ask yourself for a few reasons:
1) It will keep you from making a million excuses as to why you have yet to achieve your goal/won't help you get to your goal anyways
2) It's good to be honest with yourself
3) If you can answer yes, then you truly are being good to yourself and your body.

It's all about making strides to become healthier and happier. If you can't ask yourself if you are doing everything you can, then how the heck are you going to be able to change what you are doing in order to achieve your goal/become healthier?

Before you go to bed, ask yourself those 2 questions and honestly answer them. If the answer is no, then figure out what you could do better tomorrow. Could you eat something a little more healthier or can you find 10 min-1 hour to allow yourself sometime to exercise? Do you need to plan your days better in order to fit it all in? Do you need to give yourself a little pep talk every morning?

Once you can put your finger on what you need to change, it becomes a lot easier to actually make the small changes. Health does not come over night and it does not diminish over night.

So what have you done today to be healthier? Did you do everything you could to reach your goal?


SORRY it has been so long since I posted last. It was my last week working at Equinox and it is now my last week before my grad program begins SO...needless to say, I am trying to fit it all in, exercise, eat healthy, and enjoy my last week of freedom.

I will be writing again SOON. :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Healthy Weekend in NH...

Hey all! Hope you all are enjoying this BEAUTIFUL weekend. :)

I was in NH visiting my parents this weekend and getting some doctor and dentist appointments out of the way (I know me and multitasking and we are best friends). What a perfect weekend to spend as much time outside as possible! SO I did!

On Thursday I went blueberry picking at a local blueberry farm...if you have yet to go...GO's the perfect time to pick and the blueberries are AMAZING. It makes such a difference having fresh blueberries versus ones that are shipping from who knows where. I am eating a whole grain fresh blueberry muffin that my mom made as we speak. :) I also got a great work out in INSIDE due to a massive downpour that happened seconds after I picked blueberries. I did a cardio and lifting circuit two kicked my butt!

On Friday, I ate lunch outside at a local salad cute and everything is fresh! :) I also went to a yoga class, boxed, and then took a nice stroll outside around the Main St in Keene, NH. Beautiful.

Saturday I went hiking! There is nothing better than hiking on a beautiful and crisp NH morning. :) The air smelled SO good and the scenery was picturesque. If you haven't hiked before ever or just haven't in NH, please do soon. Fall is a perfect time to go. :)

What did you all do this weekend?! Did you spend time outside? What did you do? Did you have a BBQ with family outside? How did YOU enjoy this beautiful weekend???

I want to hear about your weekends!!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Drink this instead of that

While shopping at the grocery store today, I couldn't help but notice that amount of people buying soda...whether it be soda "heavy" or diet soda. I know we all have a craving for something bubbly from time to time...I do have an alternative for you.

Soda used to be made with actual sugar but now it is made with high fructose corn syrup (chemical/toxin), food coloring, sodium, phosphorus which leaches calcium and vit d from your bones, and other artificial flavoring. It also has been shown to increase sugar cravings later in the day causing you to want to have more sugar. Sounds good right?

YUCK. What the hell is that? Is that anything you REALLY want to put in your body? 150 or so calories of NOTHING. OR 0 calories of still NOTHING. Zero calories or 150's still doing nothing for you except dehydrate you even more than you probably already are.

Drink water and 100% fruit and vegetable juice and one of my all time favorites, seltzer water! YUMMMMM!!!

I love seltzer water because it really satisfies by bubbly craving! Try all different flavors from POLAR: Lemon, Lime, Blueberry, Raspberry, Triple Berry, Mandarin Orange, etc etc. They have 0mg of Sodium, no artificial flavors, and it's WATER with just a little bit of carbonation. You can add a little bit of 100% fruit juice to make a fun refreshing drink! Or even a little vodka or run for a low calorie night cap. ;)

Way too many people aren't drinking enough water but they will down 1-5 bottles of coke or sprite a day...but they see it as "okay" because they drink the diet. The diet is EVEN WORSE.

Have a soda every once in a while and you will most likely be okay, but drinking it instead of water is NOT okay.

Anyways, long story short...soda=toxins and won't make you healthier. Drink water or drink some seltzer and life will be good. Your body will thank you for the nourishment!

I just picked up a Triple Berry Polar Seltzer water myself...CHEERS! :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Give your workout some VARIETY!

**Isn't variety the spice of life? **

Today while training a client, her and I were talked about running...where we typically run in the city, when, what time, etc etc. Sounds like an exciting conversation right? haha

Well in my head, I was actually trying to figure out where I wanted to run today. I have my 4 different routes that I rotate through during the work week...and to be honest, I was not interested in running any of them today. They were "dead to me" as far as I was concerned. I wanted to run, just really needed a change of scenery. My client suggested to run over the Brooklyn Bridge (1.13 miles long). All I had to do was take the subway down to the Brooklyn Bridge and then exit and I'd obviously see the bridge.

SO that's exactly what I did! Took the 10 min subway ride down to City Hall/Brooklyn Bridge and I ran...ran over the bridge, into Brooklyn along a promenade path, and then back over the bridge. I wore my Nike+ watch so that I could see how many miles I did. Oh and I have to mention that I left my IPOD at work, soooo I was a little nervous that I wouldn't enjoy myself as much as I hoped I would.

The sights were gorgeous...from being on the water to seeing the skyline to seeing the Statue of Liberty off in the distance. Just beautiful. It was a perfect suggestion for a run based on how I was feeling and my need for something new. Totally satisfying run. OH and I didn't even care that I didn't have my music. :)

Sometimes you just need to change it up! Change up your what you eat and what you do! It's *refreshing* and keeps you active and happy! We are creatures of habit, but sometimes we need to change it up in order to keep exercise and eating healthy interesting.

Running the same path day in and day out is great for measuring progress (maybe you could only do half of it and now you can do the full path) however, at some point, you will not be interested in running that path. You are over it.

Same with food. After a while, if you eat the same foods, your taste buds even get a little bored. I'm sure you're bored of packing the same lunch as well. AND if you don't change it up eating wise, you could put yourself at risk of being deficient in certain vitamins and minerals.

SO my challenge to you: SWITCH.IT.UP. :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

You are worth it.


It's about time we start taking care of ourselves...putting our needs on top of the list. It doesn't mean you are selfish. Eat the food you want to eat and take time to exercise....and take the time to rest and do things for YOU. It will make you feel healthier, balanced, and happier.

It's not being selfish to want to take care of yourself. It's not selfish to want to set a good example for your kids, sisters/brothers, parents, grandparents, little cousins, friends, etc etc. I believe that when we finally take good care of ourselves, we end up helping others along the way without even knowing it. It's a positive snowball effect.

If you start being more active, your family will get more active and you and your friends will start doing more active things together. When you start eating healthier and exercising, people see how good you look and feel, they will want to wonder what you are doing and want in on it too.

You are worth giving up: smoking or heavily drinking, putting bad food into your body, feeling unhappy, being unhappy, being physically lazy, and those other unhealthy habits that have resulted in you being unhealthy/overweight/unhappy/unmotivated/etc.

You are worth it. You deserve to live your best life...feel your best, look your best, and have all of the happiness in the world. It is totally worth caring about yourself.

You should know that no matter how many kids you have or how many people rely on you on a daily basis...YOU must take care of YOU first. You have no idea who is watching you or who sees you as a role model.

Perfect Example:
Since moving to NY, my life has completely turned upside down...I am up at 430am and get home usually between 4-7pm, I train people all day, teaching them how to become healthier. I have to schedule in Caitlin time to work out, shower, and eat everyday. I LOVE training people and helping them. I care about them so much, but I told myself that I can only continue training people as long as I stay healthy and am taking good care of my body...once they are exercising more than I am, it's time for me to step back and evaluate my health and what I am compromising here. I owe it to myself to be healthy. I want to set a good example for my clients, friends, and family. When I went home this passed weekend to NH, my parents suggested hiking...which we haven't done together in years. I was shocked and SO happy :)

Whether it is a self esteem problem or a lack of time issue, you need to realize that you are worth spending time and energy on YOU. If you want to lose 50 pounds but can come up with a thousand excuses why you can't or shouldn't take the time to do it, you need to realize YOU ARE WORTH IT. If you don't care enough about yourself, that's an issue. You need to realize that you are worth are worth the challenge, the fight, the successes, the feeling of absolute accomplishment. You deserve to be healthy..we all do.

YOU ARE WORTH IT. And making the changes to get healthier....IT'S WORTH IT.

P.S. Ask me any questions you have! I had to take a little hiatus this past weekend.