Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ask Yourself These Questions

Did I do everything I could today to get me to my goal?

Did I do everything I could today to be healthier?

Those questions are SO important to ask yourself for a few reasons:
1) It will keep you from making a million excuses as to why you have yet to achieve your goal/won't help you get to your goal anyways
2) It's good to be honest with yourself
3) If you can answer yes, then you truly are being good to yourself and your body.

It's all about making strides to become healthier and happier. If you can't ask yourself if you are doing everything you can, then how the heck are you going to be able to change what you are doing in order to achieve your goal/become healthier?

Before you go to bed, ask yourself those 2 questions and honestly answer them. If the answer is no, then figure out what you could do better tomorrow. Could you eat something a little more healthier or can you find 10 min-1 hour to allow yourself sometime to exercise? Do you need to plan your days better in order to fit it all in? Do you need to give yourself a little pep talk every morning?

Once you can put your finger on what you need to change, it becomes a lot easier to actually make the small changes. Health does not come over night and it does not diminish over night.

So what have you done today to be healthier? Did you do everything you could to reach your goal?


SORRY it has been so long since I posted last. It was my last week working at Equinox and it is now my last week before my grad program begins SO...needless to say, I am trying to fit it all in, exercise, eat healthy, and enjoy my last week of freedom.

I will be writing again SOON. :)

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