Monday, August 2, 2010

You are worth it.


It's about time we start taking care of ourselves...putting our needs on top of the list. It doesn't mean you are selfish. Eat the food you want to eat and take time to exercise....and take the time to rest and do things for YOU. It will make you feel healthier, balanced, and happier.

It's not being selfish to want to take care of yourself. It's not selfish to want to set a good example for your kids, sisters/brothers, parents, grandparents, little cousins, friends, etc etc. I believe that when we finally take good care of ourselves, we end up helping others along the way without even knowing it. It's a positive snowball effect.

If you start being more active, your family will get more active and you and your friends will start doing more active things together. When you start eating healthier and exercising, people see how good you look and feel, they will want to wonder what you are doing and want in on it too.

You are worth giving up: smoking or heavily drinking, putting bad food into your body, feeling unhappy, being unhappy, being physically lazy, and those other unhealthy habits that have resulted in you being unhealthy/overweight/unhappy/unmotivated/etc.

You are worth it. You deserve to live your best life...feel your best, look your best, and have all of the happiness in the world. It is totally worth caring about yourself.

You should know that no matter how many kids you have or how many people rely on you on a daily basis...YOU must take care of YOU first. You have no idea who is watching you or who sees you as a role model.

Perfect Example:
Since moving to NY, my life has completely turned upside down...I am up at 430am and get home usually between 4-7pm, I train people all day, teaching them how to become healthier. I have to schedule in Caitlin time to work out, shower, and eat everyday. I LOVE training people and helping them. I care about them so much, but I told myself that I can only continue training people as long as I stay healthy and am taking good care of my body...once they are exercising more than I am, it's time for me to step back and evaluate my health and what I am compromising here. I owe it to myself to be healthy. I want to set a good example for my clients, friends, and family. When I went home this passed weekend to NH, my parents suggested hiking...which we haven't done together in years. I was shocked and SO happy :)

Whether it is a self esteem problem or a lack of time issue, you need to realize that you are worth spending time and energy on YOU. If you want to lose 50 pounds but can come up with a thousand excuses why you can't or shouldn't take the time to do it, you need to realize YOU ARE WORTH IT. If you don't care enough about yourself, that's an issue. You need to realize that you are worth are worth the challenge, the fight, the successes, the feeling of absolute accomplishment. You deserve to be healthy..we all do.

YOU ARE WORTH IT. And making the changes to get healthier....IT'S WORTH IT.

P.S. Ask me any questions you have! I had to take a little hiatus this past weekend.

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