Thursday, December 30, 2010

Healthy thoughts, healthy body.

I can't tell you how important it is for you to understand and appreciate the concept of "healthy thoughts lead to a healthy body". If you think positively about yourself and your body, you will be more apt to take care of it: you will exercise on a daily basis and you will nourish your body with the food it needs for optimal health. You will also be less apt to "let yourself go" as some would put it if you are truly in touch with your body, your feelings, and the way you feel about yourself and your body.

Alongside this, exercise and eating healthy will impact your thoughts. When people exercise they have a feeling of accomplishment, happiness, and a feeling of absolute euphoria. Have you ever worked out so hard that you got to that place where you honestly said to yourself "this feels awesome". If yes, good for you...and you obviously get what I mean. If no, get yourself to that's truly a breaking point. Once you get to that place in your mind and body, nothing seems too hard or unreachable. And that is just absolutely amazing.

OR like most will admit to, they feel that way AFTER they have worked out, which is great as well.

Allow yourself to do positive things to your body. You don't have to eat like a don't have to be a lump on the don't have to go out on all night drinking binges with your best friends every weekend...YOU make the choice to take care of yourself. YOU make the choice to think positively of yourself and your body.

Give yourself a reason to be proud of who you are and how you carry yourself.

I promise that if you feed yourself healthy food (remember 75% of the time works for me) and give your body the chance to move (aka exercise/activity) you WILL feel BETTER about yourself and about your body.

What better gift can you give yourself?

I can't think of anything better than that. Giving yourself that gift will snowball into other good things happening in your life. The sky is truly the limit. GO live your best life and make the choice to think healthy thoughts and have a healthy body.



PS I haven't received any questions or comments lately and it makes me sad! Come on now people...any holiday weight gainers freaking out right now? Anyone feeling like a blimp?! Anyone have some new tips on how to maintain a healthy positive attitude about yourself? Talk to me about it!

Friday, December 24, 2010

It's what you do 75% of the time that matters.

Hey all. Merry Christmas Eve. It's been a while since I've written a post!

Today I want to talk about the mere fact that your health is dependent upon what you do the majority of the time....I like to use 75%. That 25% matters very little...that 25% could be you going out to dinner and eating whatever you'd like 1-2x a could be you taking a "day off" of heavy cardio/lifting 1 day a week. It could be you doing a half ass workout 1-3x a month because you don't want to take a day off but you are just mentally not into working out. It could be you indulging in a cookie or two at the office a day or two throughout the holidays. Whatever that 25% means to you.

Let's put into perspective that other 75%. That 75% is what you do the majority of the time. Ask yourself: Am I moving 75% of the day? Am I sitting 75% of the day? Am I eating healthy meals and snacks for the majority of the time? Am I taking time out for myself to keep myself happy and energized 75% of the time? Am I slacking off and feeding my body crappy food and not exercising 75% of the time?

You figure out what you do 75% of the time and then you take the 75% and you modify it...make it a better 75%. Then after you work on the positive....then look at what you are doing the other 25% of the time and make small changes there. Remember: It's about what you do the majority of the time.

If you never eat crappy food, but a couple days during the holidays you indulge...don't kill yourself over it. Just increase your workouts a little and get over it. Unless you eat 3,500 calories of extra food over those couple days, you shouldn't gain weight....however, if you do gain weight, it's probably because you are eating unhealthy 75% of the time during the holidays, and healthy 25%. Just switch it back. No big deal.

SO for example: Last night I went out with some friends to have a couple drinks. I LOVED every sip. Did I drink 5 of them? NO, I drank 2. Did I eat a huge meal after because I already "ruined" the day? No, I ate some small healthy snacks after I got home. Did I go home and tell myself that I needed to go kill myself at the gym today? No. So what did I do? I went home, drank a bunch of water, ate some healthy snacks and got lots of good rest. Then I woke up today, went running with my friend (5 miles), and then when I got home I said to myself "I'm not tired and I know I am going to be doing a lot of sitting today due to homework and church, SO I am going to just walk on the treadmill while I watch the Dr.Oz show". It was an easy way to add in some activity while still enjoying the show I was going to sit and watch anyways. Today I am going to try to be sitting only 25% of my day and up standing or moving the other 75%.

I challenge you to try to to the same!

Everyday try to find ways to be moving 75% of the day. It doesn't matter if you exercise for an hour if you are sitting/laying down for the 75% of your day. I'm not saying that exercising for an hour isn't good enough *it is* but what I am saying is that doesn't mean that you should be fine with sitting the rest of it. You shouldn't exclude yourself from those 10,000 steps that all of us should be getting a day.

Try these tips:
1) Move your legs while you are at your desk or doing hw in my case. People who figit or tap their feet burn more calories per day and also have a lower BMI than those who don't. Keep that in mind!
2) Try standing up while on the phone...walk around a little bit while you are on the phone at work or at home.
3) Try to find ways to get more activity into your day...walk the stairs, park further away, get up to talk to coworkers, get up and take a short walk every 45 min to an hour.
4) GO for a walk in the morning, at lunch, and right after work.
5) Eat standing up. Like breakfast, we don't need to be sitting. Lunch is usually on the go anyways, and dinner...let yourself sit with your family but know that the more activity you get after dinner, the less energy you will be storing *as fat*. *As long as you are paying attention to the fact that you are eating, it's okay to be standing up, as long as you don't overeat at meals*.

SO the take home message. Eat healthy and get moving 75% of the time. The other 25% you can work on once you get that 75% down.

Working on the positive first will not only get you moving in the right direction *no pun intended* but it will also allow you to see the positive things you are doing for you and your health. We tend to only focus on our bad habits. Let's focus on the good habits and expand on those! :)

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Make a committment to your future

As of right now I am interning in a hospital through my dietetic internship program. To be honest, the majority of the conditions patients come in with could have either been prevented or lessened by just living a healthier lifestyle. Not all conditions are preventable through diet and exercise and I do realize this, however, diet and exercise can help to manage the condition so it does not get worse or require medications.

Long story short, I see a lot of these conditions: high blood pressure (hypertension), COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-typically smoking driven), overweight/obesity, Diabetes (usually uncontrolled), and heart conditions.

Most of the patients I see tell me that they know they are eating unhealthy and that they aren't following the recommendations set forth by the doctor or dietitian about diet and exercise...and I just want to ask WHY NOT and give them a swift kick in the butt. We could talk about will power and this and that all day, but seriously...if you have a severe medical condition, IS THAT NOT ENOUGH to make a CHANGE? When are we going to wake up and figure out that our nation is not getting any healthier unless we CHANGE. What is it going to take for the light bulb to go off?An epidemic? ALREADY HAPPENING!

When we're young (which I am) we don't think about how our behaviors today may affect our future...but quite honestly, that gets you nowhere and if you really believe this, then you are probably ignorant or just don't understand the word "consequence". So many patients will say "I wish I had listened to my doctor, or put on sunscreen, or ate better, or exercised" blah blah blah. You don't want to be saying "I wish" later on in life, instead you want to be saying "I'm glad I did everything I could".

Seriously, every day you must make a committment to yourself in order to have a healthy and happy future. Keep reminding yourself why you are exercising and why you choose healthier options; it's because if you put in the work now and for your entire life, you will have less medical complications later. Some issues are genetic and some issues are bound to happen that are out of our control, however, focus on what you can control and you will never have to say the words "I wish I had ____".

If you have a family member or loved that one that needs a swift kick in the butt, have them read this and talk with them about it. And if YOU need a swift kick in the butt, email me :) and I will do it for you.

Thanks guys...and I hope you are all having a healthy and happy Sunday!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Upcoming Holiday #1 Thanksgiving

Hey all. As I'm sitting in Baltimore, MD...I keep thinking to myself how every store is filled of Holiday-ness (which by the way I am pumped about---I'm obsessed with the Holiday season) and how the next Holiday is Thanksgiving. Let's chat about thanksgiving for a sec.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Thanksgiving dinner...I believe in enjoying food and especially food around the Holidays because it is how we tend to celebrate them.

Thanksgiving is notoriously the day where you consume food like it's the last food you'll eat before hibernating for the winter months. Truth is, you're not a bear or any other animal that hibernates.

Here's the truth. Your body uses the calories it needs and then it stores the rest (primarily as fat). The average caloric consumption on Thanksgiving is between 5,000-6,000 calories. The typical American consumes about 2,000 calories per day. So Thanksgiving provides an additional 3,000-4,000 calories. Likewise, a pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories. SO you can assume you will at least gain 1 pound of fat just from Thanksgiving. Not that a pound is a big deal, but then when you think about all of the salt that is added to food, you'll end up gaining more "weight" because of all of the fluid retained from the salt. Long story short, if you step on the scale the day after Thanksgiving, it's not going to be good. And I do not encourage using a scale anyways because it makes us think that our health is equal to the number on the scale...and how screwed up is that.

Here are some tips for making your Thanksgiving healthier:

1) Sign you and your family up for a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. There is at least one in every do yourself a favor and start your day out'll be less apt to overeat and also to indulge a little less.

2) Stay in touch with your body...especially your stomach. There is no need to eat to the point of unbuttoning your pants or feeling nauseous. It's FOOD....and it will be available tomorrow and the day after that.

3) Try a new recipe that is perhaps a little bit healthier than the typical meal. Perhaps you make a healthier apple crisp instead of the heavy one. Perhaps you make a lighter stuffing. OR perhaps you just don't fill your entire plate.

4) Perhaps you go on a walk or play basketball with the family after the meal.

5) The day after of course, Black Friday. Use Black Friday as a way to get a little more exercise. Get some exercise in before you leave and then use your shopping as extra exercise. Every step counts.

Here's the deal. Don't forget about your health just because it's Thanksgiving. Yes, it happens once a year, but the Holiday season is about 4-5 weeks long. Know that each day counts...enjoy the food...and keep in touch with your body. Get active on Thanksgiving and invite your entire family to join you. You'll be setting a great example and you'll feel less inclined to eat like you're never going to eat again.



Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fitness is not a's a necessity

Equinox gyms sold T-shirts with this saying on it...and honestly, it's so true.

Being fit/healthy is not something that is's not something only the rich and famous get to's something that is necessary for all of us.

Being fit is not easy either. It takes WORK to be truly work our bodies so that they can endure stress, emotional demands, and the physical demands that arise in our day to day lives...the expected and the unexpected.

Let me tell you a story of a man named Matt Long. Matt long is and was a NYC firefighter. He ran marathons and completed Ironman triathalons (if you don't know what an ironman is look it up--it's an amazing accomplishment). He was unbelievable fit individual. Then about 5 years ago, as Matt Long was riding his bike to work, he got hit my a 40,000 pound bus that was making an illegal turn. Without giving everything away, Matt Long basically only survived the accident because of how fit and healthy he was....his heart and lungs were able to endure the trauma. He bled out so much blood that in a normal person, the heart would stop pumping, however Matt's did not stop. It was because he made fitness and health a necessity that he was able to save his own life (along with the amazing doctors but he deserves the credit for how strong his heart was). Matt survived 40 something surgeries and 1 year after his recovery, ran the NYC marathon and later completed another Ironman.

Matt Long is an amazing person for so many reasons and I will let you be the one to buy and read his book "The Long Run" so you can get to understand and appreciate this man even more than you already do. However, let his story be a wake up call. YOU need to be fit for other reasons than just being at the perfect weight. You need to understand and open up your eyes to the other REASONS why you need to be fit. If you work out just to lose weight, it's time to first off, figure out why a number is so important to you, and second off, losing weight typically means losing muscle, and the only reason why Matt lived was because of how STRONG his heart was (your heart is a muscle). Placing stress on your heart and lungs and skeletal muscles (arms, legs, etc) will train your heart to endure more stress. Your heart will have to pump less (do less work) in order to do the job it has to do (pump blood in and out of the heart).

You should be fit so that your day to day life is easier, so that you're healthy your whole life, and so that in the case that an unfortunate event happens (like Matt Long), your body will be better able to handle the trauma placed upon it. I am by no means saying that if you are fit you will survive whatever comes your way, but what I am saying is that if you are fit, you will have a better chance of surviving. Make your body strong, keep your heart and lungs fit, and keep your spirits positive.

Being fit is not just about weight loss or preventing weight gain. Shift your focus to the bigger picture: decreasing your risk of developing lifestyle diseases, increase your bodies ability to endure trauma, live your life feeling good, setting a good example for our family and friends, and last but not least, it may save your life one day.

Fitness is not a luxury, it's a necessity.

I met Matt Long this past weekend and he is truly an inspiration to anyone. He inspired me to make goals for myself and so I am going to run the NYC Marathon November 2011.
Here is Matt Long's foundation website:
Buy Matt Long's book "The Long Run".
Get inspired. Get moving.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The end to CHILDHOOD obesity. YOU have something to do with this.

Okay so while I was taking a run with my dog Simon, I started to think about what I would want to write about today. And...within 30 seconds I had about 100 ideas. SO I am going to start with my first idea.

CHILDHOOD obesity.

The fact that these two words are even together makes me pissed. Yes children should have a little meat, but quite frankly, being 20 pounds overweight is not BABYFAT. It's "cute" only until the child starts to develop conditions such as metabolic diseases, type 2 diabetes, thyroid issues...not to mention the psychological effects it has on the child.

Here's the deal. We are so afraid to tell children NO because they might get mad at us or say that we are the worst person in the world. WE (meaning any one of us that has interaction with children) need to teach children HOW TO BE HEALTHY. PART of teaching to be healthy involves a little bit of discipline. If you tell a child they can have all of the sugar in the world, aren't we teaching them to eat that way? YES.

What would happen if we don't allow children to eat macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, pizza, chicken fingers, pop tarts, etc for meals? Are they going to hate you forever and develop this life long grudge? NO. I'm thankful my parents didn't allow me to eat whatever I wanted to eat because they actually taught me healthy eating. I was not allowed to have dessert until I ate dinner...or at least the majority of the veggies and meat. They wouldn't force me to eat everything...we need to teach children how to listen to their bodies...actually, they are much better at this than maybe kids should be teaching the adults...but let's not get too a head of ourselves.

ANYWAYS. I'm over Childhood Obesity. Sorry for the language, but this is bullshit. Kids are supposed to be active....parents/grandparents/babysitters should be feeding their children healthy food (and the occasional sweet treat). OH and how many of us as children were rewarded with a cookie or some type of sweet treat? how many of us NOW do the same to ourselves? It's so true.

What we do in our childhood greatly affects us later in our lives. Teach children how to eat healthy...or just don't buy crappy food. All people do is complain about how much money healthy food is....I think it's time we cut the shit. Seriously, a bag of doritos and a box of macaroni and cheese HAS ZERO nutritional benefit actually the money you spend on junk food is TOO EXPENSIVE since it's a waste of money. It's too expensive to buy healthy food yet we don't mind spending money on products that do NOTHING for us...actually those products cost even more than healthy food because you are going to have to spend that much more on healthcare later on. Whether that be dietitian appointments, physician appointments, gastric bypass surgery, diet books/food/magazines, cancer treatment, insulin for diabetics....that's the expensive part.

SO do me a huge favor and take some responsibility for the children in this nation. Teach them how to live active and healthy lives. Make fruits and vegetables something that is part of their diet and not just the evil green peas on the plate...oh and parents, don't pass on your eating preferences to your kids....they LOOK UP TO YOU for what is right or wrong or delicious or gross.

KIDS look up to ADULTS. It's our responsibility to take care of these children. Our kids should not be obese and we are going to be the ones to change that. Set a good example for the kids around you....whether they are yours or not.

IF we buck up and take care of ourselves, kids will follow suit. IF we show children how to take care of themselves, they will love us forever. IF you say no to having 5 cookies after dinner, they will not hate you, they will thank you later on. IF we get kids to be active and eat healthy, we will prevent Childhood Obesity. That's my solution.

Childhood's something we are all shaking our heads about but doing nothing about. And that's a shame.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Take some responsibility for your health

You have one body. One mind. ONE LIFE.

Take advantage of all of the information and equipment that is out there in the fitness and nutrition fields. There is no reason why we can't eat healthy and exercise.

Wake up early or work out right when you get home. Don't allow yourself to make excuses. It's time to stop making excuses and start taking responsibility for your own health.

Healthcare is not preventative. Healthcare is what happens AFTER the damage is done. No one does any prevention right one cares until something bad happens. And honestly, that sucks.

Why not eat healthy NOW and exercise NOW instead of becoming obese with Type 2 diabetes and a high risk of having a heart attack or acquiring cancer?

We can't control everything...we can't control our family history or our genetics. BUT it's about what we CAN control. You can control what you buy at the grocery store...what you put in your mouth/your children's can control what you do with your body. You can decide to work out and challenge yourself. YOU can decide to be as healthy as you can.

With the rates of obesity (child and adult) increasing...the cancer rates increasing...the diabetes rates increasing...the rates of heart attacks's a no brainer that SOMETHING has to be done.

It's time to take control of your own health..and your family's health.

SO control what you can and forget about what you can't. If you don't do anything about your health, your health will do nothing for you.

Hope this makes you want to get moving and start eating real food.

because You're worth it.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The fine balance between healthy and unhealthy. Very important you all read this

I honestly believe that there is always a fine balance between being healthy and unhealthy. Just roll with me on this one.

Health is a spectrum from unhealthy to healthy or the other way around. However, if we become obsessed with being healthy it can lead to really horrible things like eating disorders, extreme exercising, etc etc. The media is obsessed with losing weight, exercising, not being obese....etc etc. If we aren't careful, we can turn a good thing into a monster. Trust me, I've been down that path and it's not worth it.

We as a society are so obsessed with weight loss. We think that healthy means "skinny" when really healthy is much more than just what the number says on the scale. I have mentioned this a thousand times over. You can have a high percentage of body fat and still be skinny. However, having too much fat on our bodies is what typically leads to all of these health problems we are facing today. So I get it that it can be hypercritical to say exercise, but not too less, but not too little. But honesty, we all know when we are hungry and when we are full. We don't need to count calories to figure that out.

I've heard of way too many people who have developed unhealthy eating and exercise habits from what started as something healthy. They become obsessed about calories, exercise, and not allowing themselves to enjoy life. I will say it again, it's not worth it.

Eating disorders are deadly. People die from them. It's not just about losing weight or throwing up. It's a disease of the mind that manifests itself in physical form. There are 6 year olds diagnosed with eating disorders and also 86 year olds that are still battling with an eating disorder since they were a teenager. It's really a sad disorder.

SO it's not about the's about how you are taking care of yourself.

Be nice to your body. Feed it...nourish it with vitamins and minerals from fruits and veggies that will allow your body to function properly. Move your body...let it get some activity. Our muscles need that to keep themselves healthy. Find healthy ways to manage your LIFE. Not just your stress....good and bad things happen in everyone's life. Find ways to MANAGE YOUR EMOTIONS. Respect yourself and your body.

Having said this, please be cautious when you are talking to others about their weight or your own weight. Especially guys have no idea how much you affect your children...they hear everything you say, regardless if you think they heard you. So be aware of what you say around others. You never know who you are positively or negatively impacting.

If you think that someone in your life may be suffering from an eating disorder...go to and check out all of the info they have. They have a hotline for you or anyone else (suffering or not) to call.

Oh. And you are beautiful the way you are. Just needed to say that.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tips on how to get a workout in EVERY DAY!

Hey all! Here is my weekly post...and since I just saw a woman walking with hand weights and doing biceps curls...she inspired me to write a post on how to get a workout in every day. SOMEHOW. :) Let's face it...we don't have much time to workout in our days anymore. I've included some tips to address this as well.

HOW to get a work out in everyday:

The best way:

Wake up n the morning and work out. Put your clothes and shoes out the night before...wake up, get dressed...and GO. The reason I say this is best is because then it is done and over with before you even eat breakfast or go to work. Plus, you have less excuses and reasons to not go in the morning. TIRED? Aren't we tired no matte what time we wake up? SO that's not a good excuse. Working out in the AM is also a great way to wake yourself sets a really positive tone for the day. You will also be less likely to eat poorly if you set yourself up for a healthy day the minute you wake up.

I get up at 5:25AM each morning and put on my clothes and work out.I put out my clothes the night before so all I have to do is throw them on and go. matter what. If I'm tired, I just tell myself...this is the only time you can fit this it kind of just forces me out of bed. I feel SO much more awake and feel better once my workout is done.

If you are one of those people who are great at making excuses/reasons not to exercise or just have so many other things that can happen in the day...THIS is the time to get your exercise in...THE MORNING.

2) LUNCH TIME. Most people take a lunch break. SO eat while you work either before or after your break...and work out during your break. Just get in and get out...don't waste time in the gym or outside (wherever you are exercising). It can be a little more difficult to workout during this time in the day because meetings/hw/life happen.

3) EVENING. Get home and get moving. One pro of working out at night is that you can really use your frustrations/any other emotions to really get in a great workout. Your work is done for the day...and now it's you time. The con for working out at night...most people just want to relax at the end of the, if you are a parent, things are bound to come up.

PICK one of these to start with and see how it works. Everyone has their peaks in energy at different times of the day...mine is mid morning but I am in school mid morning so I have to workout before school. And I know how I am at night...not interested in working out.

THEN figure out what you want to do. Do you only have time for 30 min? 1 hour? Take a walk? Run? Lift? Figure all of this out the DAY BEFORE so you don't waste time wandering around the gym or sitting there trying to figure out what you want to do. PLAN PLAN PLAN.

LASTLY DO the workout. Do what you planned unless you felt like doing something else.

It's that easy. We are all busy but it is those who plan and are motivated that fit it in.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Why Lifting Weights can help everyone

Lifting. My favorite type of exercising. Let me tell you why.

1) It makes you strong.
2) It makes you look awesome.
3) Moving around and doing activities of daily living are easier because you lift weights that are heavier than anything in your everday life.
4) It keeps your bones healthy and strong.
5) Lean body mass (muscle) is more metabolically active...meaning it will use and burn more calories than let's say fat. And we all want a faster/higher metabolism.
6) It allows your body to fight the aging process which involves the breaking down of muscle cells. boo.
7) You feel like you have worked hard after you finish lifting.

A few reasons why people don't lift:
1) Women in particular, are afraid of looking like Hulk Hogan or the Incredible Hulk. If you haven't noticed ladies, those 2 examples...are MEN. We do not have enough testosterone to get big...and if you don't take steroids, you won't get big. Most women who start lifting really enjoy the results they get because they can see some definition because they lose fat and they can actually see muscles. People tend to call this "tone".
2) They think cardio can do everything for need to lift. WRONG. You use different types of fibers (slow and fast twitch) when doing different activities. Cardio and weight lifting utilize one or the other...but doing both of them will end up working BOTH. SO lift and do cardio.
3) They don't have enough equipment or access to a gym. Your body weight can be your best friend. Squats, lunges, tricep dips, pull ups, push ups, etc etc. You can do most things just by using your body weight. SO quit the excuses.
4) They are lazy or don't want to change. I can't really do much about this one. But maybe you could go talk to someone if this person is you. Why you wouldn't want to be strong, feel good, look good, and be healthier is beyond me.

Okay. That's enough about lifting. I'm a fan for some many reasons and if you have any questions ask away! I'd love to hear from you!

I will be posting less often because I am in a grad program from now until June. It's my first week and I've had tons of work to do every night. I apologize...but the more you comment, the more I will find time to write! :)

What do you think about this post??

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


That four letter word has always scared me. REST? WHY! Isn't that what lazy people do? I am the "I can rest when I'm dead" kind of girl. But honestly, it can be the best medicine for us...mentally, as well as, physically.

My last week at Equinox was on Friday (the 13th--weird) and my first week in my graduate internship is on Monday the 23rd so I decided to take a week off. I'm in upstate NY visiting my girlfriend's parents. It has been SO relaxing so far...this place is the ultimate place to rest and relax.

I've woken up every morning since Saturday feeling refreshed, rejuvinated, and ready to move around! I've taken yoga classes, went on a run, bike ride, name it! It's been really nice to just relax and REST.

I've been sleeping about 8 hours a night and I've been falling asleep when I'm tired and then wake up when I'm ready....not really by an alarm (although this morning I set it for 645am because I had a yoga class to be at 8am).

My body is starting to finally feel the effects of sleeping in and moving through my day a little slower than usual. It usually feels good but this is different. I wake up in the morning, decide if I'm hungry...have some water and coffee outside on the deck...surrounded by beautiful flowers. Then I decide what I want to riding, run, walk, take a class at the nearby gym.

I wouldn't necessarily call this a vacation either...I am a week away from starting a full time graudate dietetic internship program that runs for 10 months. I have had plenty of hw and a paper that have kept me busy since June 7th. Needless to say, some of the hw assignments are still not done. SO this week is bitter sweet. No agenda, but enough stuff to do. I'm sure we all know how that can be.

Long story long, it's really good for us to take a weekend, day, or hour to just relax and rest. Whether that be meditate, take a walk, lay and think on your bed, do yoga, or just sit and think. It's all good for us. Take some time to breathe. Take some time to rest and rejuvinate yourself. :)

On that note, it's time for dinner and then round 2 of yoga...moonlight yoga. :) Then back to my paper.

What do you do to rest and rejuvinate yourself????

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ask Yourself These Questions

Did I do everything I could today to get me to my goal?

Did I do everything I could today to be healthier?

Those questions are SO important to ask yourself for a few reasons:
1) It will keep you from making a million excuses as to why you have yet to achieve your goal/won't help you get to your goal anyways
2) It's good to be honest with yourself
3) If you can answer yes, then you truly are being good to yourself and your body.

It's all about making strides to become healthier and happier. If you can't ask yourself if you are doing everything you can, then how the heck are you going to be able to change what you are doing in order to achieve your goal/become healthier?

Before you go to bed, ask yourself those 2 questions and honestly answer them. If the answer is no, then figure out what you could do better tomorrow. Could you eat something a little more healthier or can you find 10 min-1 hour to allow yourself sometime to exercise? Do you need to plan your days better in order to fit it all in? Do you need to give yourself a little pep talk every morning?

Once you can put your finger on what you need to change, it becomes a lot easier to actually make the small changes. Health does not come over night and it does not diminish over night.

So what have you done today to be healthier? Did you do everything you could to reach your goal?


SORRY it has been so long since I posted last. It was my last week working at Equinox and it is now my last week before my grad program begins SO...needless to say, I am trying to fit it all in, exercise, eat healthy, and enjoy my last week of freedom.

I will be writing again SOON. :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Healthy Weekend in NH...

Hey all! Hope you all are enjoying this BEAUTIFUL weekend. :)

I was in NH visiting my parents this weekend and getting some doctor and dentist appointments out of the way (I know me and multitasking and we are best friends). What a perfect weekend to spend as much time outside as possible! SO I did!

On Thursday I went blueberry picking at a local blueberry farm...if you have yet to go...GO's the perfect time to pick and the blueberries are AMAZING. It makes such a difference having fresh blueberries versus ones that are shipping from who knows where. I am eating a whole grain fresh blueberry muffin that my mom made as we speak. :) I also got a great work out in INSIDE due to a massive downpour that happened seconds after I picked blueberries. I did a cardio and lifting circuit two kicked my butt!

On Friday, I ate lunch outside at a local salad cute and everything is fresh! :) I also went to a yoga class, boxed, and then took a nice stroll outside around the Main St in Keene, NH. Beautiful.

Saturday I went hiking! There is nothing better than hiking on a beautiful and crisp NH morning. :) The air smelled SO good and the scenery was picturesque. If you haven't hiked before ever or just haven't in NH, please do soon. Fall is a perfect time to go. :)

What did you all do this weekend?! Did you spend time outside? What did you do? Did you have a BBQ with family outside? How did YOU enjoy this beautiful weekend???

I want to hear about your weekends!!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Drink this instead of that

While shopping at the grocery store today, I couldn't help but notice that amount of people buying soda...whether it be soda "heavy" or diet soda. I know we all have a craving for something bubbly from time to time...I do have an alternative for you.

Soda used to be made with actual sugar but now it is made with high fructose corn syrup (chemical/toxin), food coloring, sodium, phosphorus which leaches calcium and vit d from your bones, and other artificial flavoring. It also has been shown to increase sugar cravings later in the day causing you to want to have more sugar. Sounds good right?

YUCK. What the hell is that? Is that anything you REALLY want to put in your body? 150 or so calories of NOTHING. OR 0 calories of still NOTHING. Zero calories or 150's still doing nothing for you except dehydrate you even more than you probably already are.

Drink water and 100% fruit and vegetable juice and one of my all time favorites, seltzer water! YUMMMMM!!!

I love seltzer water because it really satisfies by bubbly craving! Try all different flavors from POLAR: Lemon, Lime, Blueberry, Raspberry, Triple Berry, Mandarin Orange, etc etc. They have 0mg of Sodium, no artificial flavors, and it's WATER with just a little bit of carbonation. You can add a little bit of 100% fruit juice to make a fun refreshing drink! Or even a little vodka or run for a low calorie night cap. ;)

Way too many people aren't drinking enough water but they will down 1-5 bottles of coke or sprite a day...but they see it as "okay" because they drink the diet. The diet is EVEN WORSE.

Have a soda every once in a while and you will most likely be okay, but drinking it instead of water is NOT okay.

Anyways, long story short...soda=toxins and won't make you healthier. Drink water or drink some seltzer and life will be good. Your body will thank you for the nourishment!

I just picked up a Triple Berry Polar Seltzer water myself...CHEERS! :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Give your workout some VARIETY!

**Isn't variety the spice of life? **

Today while training a client, her and I were talked about running...where we typically run in the city, when, what time, etc etc. Sounds like an exciting conversation right? haha

Well in my head, I was actually trying to figure out where I wanted to run today. I have my 4 different routes that I rotate through during the work week...and to be honest, I was not interested in running any of them today. They were "dead to me" as far as I was concerned. I wanted to run, just really needed a change of scenery. My client suggested to run over the Brooklyn Bridge (1.13 miles long). All I had to do was take the subway down to the Brooklyn Bridge and then exit and I'd obviously see the bridge.

SO that's exactly what I did! Took the 10 min subway ride down to City Hall/Brooklyn Bridge and I ran...ran over the bridge, into Brooklyn along a promenade path, and then back over the bridge. I wore my Nike+ watch so that I could see how many miles I did. Oh and I have to mention that I left my IPOD at work, soooo I was a little nervous that I wouldn't enjoy myself as much as I hoped I would.

The sights were gorgeous...from being on the water to seeing the skyline to seeing the Statue of Liberty off in the distance. Just beautiful. It was a perfect suggestion for a run based on how I was feeling and my need for something new. Totally satisfying run. OH and I didn't even care that I didn't have my music. :)

Sometimes you just need to change it up! Change up your what you eat and what you do! It's *refreshing* and keeps you active and happy! We are creatures of habit, but sometimes we need to change it up in order to keep exercise and eating healthy interesting.

Running the same path day in and day out is great for measuring progress (maybe you could only do half of it and now you can do the full path) however, at some point, you will not be interested in running that path. You are over it.

Same with food. After a while, if you eat the same foods, your taste buds even get a little bored. I'm sure you're bored of packing the same lunch as well. AND if you don't change it up eating wise, you could put yourself at risk of being deficient in certain vitamins and minerals.

SO my challenge to you: SWITCH.IT.UP. :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

You are worth it.


It's about time we start taking care of ourselves...putting our needs on top of the list. It doesn't mean you are selfish. Eat the food you want to eat and take time to exercise....and take the time to rest and do things for YOU. It will make you feel healthier, balanced, and happier.

It's not being selfish to want to take care of yourself. It's not selfish to want to set a good example for your kids, sisters/brothers, parents, grandparents, little cousins, friends, etc etc. I believe that when we finally take good care of ourselves, we end up helping others along the way without even knowing it. It's a positive snowball effect.

If you start being more active, your family will get more active and you and your friends will start doing more active things together. When you start eating healthier and exercising, people see how good you look and feel, they will want to wonder what you are doing and want in on it too.

You are worth giving up: smoking or heavily drinking, putting bad food into your body, feeling unhappy, being unhappy, being physically lazy, and those other unhealthy habits that have resulted in you being unhealthy/overweight/unhappy/unmotivated/etc.

You are worth it. You deserve to live your best life...feel your best, look your best, and have all of the happiness in the world. It is totally worth caring about yourself.

You should know that no matter how many kids you have or how many people rely on you on a daily basis...YOU must take care of YOU first. You have no idea who is watching you or who sees you as a role model.

Perfect Example:
Since moving to NY, my life has completely turned upside down...I am up at 430am and get home usually between 4-7pm, I train people all day, teaching them how to become healthier. I have to schedule in Caitlin time to work out, shower, and eat everyday. I LOVE training people and helping them. I care about them so much, but I told myself that I can only continue training people as long as I stay healthy and am taking good care of my body...once they are exercising more than I am, it's time for me to step back and evaluate my health and what I am compromising here. I owe it to myself to be healthy. I want to set a good example for my clients, friends, and family. When I went home this passed weekend to NH, my parents suggested hiking...which we haven't done together in years. I was shocked and SO happy :)

Whether it is a self esteem problem or a lack of time issue, you need to realize that you are worth spending time and energy on YOU. If you want to lose 50 pounds but can come up with a thousand excuses why you can't or shouldn't take the time to do it, you need to realize YOU ARE WORTH IT. If you don't care enough about yourself, that's an issue. You need to realize that you are worth are worth the challenge, the fight, the successes, the feeling of absolute accomplishment. You deserve to be healthy..we all do.

YOU ARE WORTH IT. And making the changes to get healthier....IT'S WORTH IT.

P.S. Ask me any questions you have! I had to take a little hiatus this past weekend.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Motivational tool.

I will never forget that first day in my Health Science 101 class my sophomore year. My professor gave us a piece of paper and told us to write down the reasons why we exercise. I still have that piece of paper and look at it often. We all have our reasons why we exercise...most likely weight loss is on that list, but what else motivates you to exercise.

-decrease blood pressure
-increase confidence
-set a good example
- feel good
- feel accomplished
-be able to be active with children, grandchildren, little cousins, etc etc
-weight loss/gain/maintenance
-increase self esteem
-decrease risk of heart conditions
-just feels good to move
-decrease the risk of developing chronic conditions that may have touched your life
-alone time
-time with a friend or loved one or family member
-look better
-fit into clothes well
-so I can have that piece of cake and not feel guilty
-clear my head
-get stronger
-be proud of myself and my body
-challenge myself

Just to name a few of the ones that pop into my head today.

I've also added reasons as the years have passed. Hang it up some place that is easily viewed...the fridge, bathroom, on the scale if you tend to weigh yourself, on your desk, in your car.

You can also make a list of why you eat healthy...I ended up adding that onto the back of the exercise list.

It's a tool you can always use to remind yourself of ALL of the reasons why you's more than just losing weight or looking more defined.

SO get out a piece of paper and start writing!! If you have yet to begin an exercise program, make one that says "Why I want to start exercising" and then after you begin, make the reasons why you do! It will be a great way to see your progress and be proud of yourself! :)



I'd LOVE to hear some from you all! It will help everyone out if you post something...we can all learn something from each other!!!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

MindFUL eating :)

Happy Monday everyone! Hope your week is off to a healthy and positive start!

So, I am going to talk a little bit about mindful eating...versus mindless eating.

Mindful eating is when you are thinking about and are in tune with how your body is feeling before/during/after you eat/putting thought into your meals.

Mindless eating is the opposite.

Mindless eating is what most of Americans do on a day to day basis.

Typical scenario: Breakfast is consumed while we are putting our things together for the day, making lunch for the kids, getting ready ourselves, even while driving, in front of a computer screen answering emails, or grabbing it on our walk to work/what have you...

We are simply doing way too many activities at once.

There are a few reasons why doing this is not so great:
1) You are not fully paying attention to either activities (eating and _____).
2) Your body registers that you are full AFTER you are which can cause overeating.
3) Since you are not paying attention to eating, you might not feel satisfied/forget that you even ate. Ever have one of those, "did I even eat lunch" moments?
4) We put ourselves at risk for eating not to healthy food because we aren't thinking about WHAT we are eating or how much it takes for us to feel full/satiated.

Mindful eating also means US THINKING about what we are putting into our mouths. Ever have one of those days where you got SO busy (forget to eat) that by the end of the day you are STARVING to the point where you feel the need to eat the entire Sahara Desert for dinner?

We've all had those days. To be honest, those days occur far too often in America. We are so busy that we can't even take 20 minutes to eat a meal 3x a day. 1 hour total out of 24 hours in the day. That one hour (besides your workout hour) is crucial to your health and most likely, to reaching your goal. What you put into your body, how much, and then what you do with your body (exercise componenet) MATTERS.

SO 1 total hour a day to eat. NO magazine, no tv, no emailing, no phone, no nothing...unless you have a person to talk to's normal for meals to be social. TRY IT! It's way harder than it sounds.

Helpful tips to avoid mindless eating:
1) Put out as much of breakfast the night before as you can. Whether it is a bowl with the cereal box next to it and a spoon or the pan to make your's a few less things you need to do in the morning and it may actually give you time to eat breakfast before you leave!

2) PACK LUNCH and make it yourself (I'm not talking about a frozen lunch placed in a bag). It's wayyy less expensive, it will be healthier, and you will be happy that you have your lunch right there... no need to waste 10-15 min going somewhere to grab it...THOSE 15 minutes are now yours to eat! SEE how this can help you?

3) Shut off your life when it's meal time. Easier said than done, I'm well aware. I tend to want to email, check facebook (I told you guys I'm a total nerd), google something...just be a busy bee. There is NO NEED to do a thousand things half-assed at once. Just EAT. Focus on your day and how your body is feeling. When you get that "okay, I'm satisfied and not hungry anymore" feeling, stop eating and then go on with your day.

4) Try to eat dinner with others. Your family, friends, co-workers etc etc.

5) Put your damn fork done periodically during the meal, grab a sip of water/milk/whatever, and then check in with yourself. Are you still hungry? Are you full? How are you feeling?

6) Stop using GINORMOUS plates/spoons/forks/bowls/etc. They make you want to fill the plate or bowl up, and take much larger bites. The trough that we call a plate is a little much, and if we don't fill it all the way, it makes us feel like we are "dieting" or not eating enough which makes us still hungry after we are done. Also, I'm not saying use a baby spoon, but the modern shovel isn't something we need to eat with either.

Look up the book, Mindless's SUPER interesting. Tons of studies done to look at sizes of plates, where you sit, etc etc and how it affects your eating.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

A typical Caitlin Menu...

Hola everyone! Hope you are all enjoying your Saturday!

As requested, this post is going to be about what a typical Caitlin menu looks like for a day and also, some suggestions/recipe books and websites to go to. :)

Disclaimer: I am a vegetarian (I doeggs and fish though). SO my meals do not contain any meat products...SORRY!

A day in the life of Caitlin (eating wise):


First off, I like to mix it up. I'm all for satisfying the taste buds and varying my diet. I usually have an iced coffee that I make at home and a bottle of water. Oh, and WW does not mean Weight Watchers, it means whole wheat.

-WW english muffin w/tbsp of all natural pb and a banana

-WW half of a bagel with either cream cheese or pb and a banana, perhaps an egg or some nuts

-All natural/organic oatmeal with either berries or a banana...perhaps even a hard boiled egg for some added protein

-Cereal with a banana and unsalted, just roasted or natural nuts

-Aria protein shake with milk(mostly a vitamin shake from Trader Joe's), 1-2 pieces of ww toast with either pb or even little bit of cinnamon sugar on top with a whole piece of fruit

-Homemade whole wheat flour muffin (google recipes), an egg, and a piece of fruit

-cottage cheese, half a bagel/piece of toast/english muffin, a piece of fruit

If you take a look at those options, you'll notice that each contain a piece of fruit, something that is high in protein, and a whole grain. Obviously, omelettes are great...I just don't love them in the morning...I usually pack my breakfast and eat on the train into work. so omelettes are kind of out for me.


-ww homemade tuna sandwich of wrap with lettuce, tomato, onion

-greek yogurt (love Fage brand), granola and nuts to put in it, a piece of fruit, bag of cut up veggies with hommus.

-loaded up salad with lettuce/spinach, beans, feta cheese, sunflower seeds, craisins, carrots, edamame, with balsalmic vinegarette

-yogurt, nuts and granola, whole grain cold salad (pasta, quinoa, etc etc)

-avocado sandwich with sprouts, tomato, onion, on ww bread

-pb and J w/ all natural pb, ww bread, and organic jam. <---rare occasion but it feels good to have one every one in a while. I will have veggies w hommus, a small yogurt, and a piece of fruit to go along with it.


-Fish with steamed veggies and brown rice

-Veggie burgers with a salad on a ww bun

-Sweet potato topped with cooked black beans, tomatoes, onion, green onion, with a dollop of sour cream <---my favorite. -homemade veggie white pizza on ww homemade crust -stif fry with shrimp, brown rice, peppers and really any other veggies that you enjoy. That's the low down on what I eat for meals. Since I am super busy at work from 630am-4ish pm I typically eat my meals in segments since time is an issue for me.

If I'm hungry between meals, I will have a handful of almonds, piece of fruit, couple of whole grain crackers or chips with some homemade salsa/guacamole, fruit leather, etc etc.

Balance out your meals as much as possible!

Does this meal include a whole grain?

Veggie and/or fruit?

Protein source?

Fat source?


There are plenty of easy to prepare foods out there that you can make all by yourself! Making larger portions of food on Sundays are a great way to be able to make packing breakfast and lunch just put some in a container and head out!

Just Google healthy recipes and a thousand sites will pop up!

I have a few books, magazine, and websites that I will suggest to you: Super Natural Cooking (I believe it's called), Master your Metabolism cookbook, The Kind Diet (Alicia Silverstone is a vegan--but she has veggie recipes),Eating Well Magazine, Clean Food Magazine, Health Mag., Fitness Mag., Self Mag., Women's Health, Mens Health, Food Network website, Cooking Light website, ALL have great recipes!

Let me know what you all think! :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Food and Grocery Shopping be continued tomorrow and the day after and the day after...

Hey All!

Hope you all enjoyed the last post about DIGGING DEEP! :) What'd you think of it? I'd LOVE to hear your comments and questions...I receive about 1 a day...but LET'S DO MORE OF IT!

Okay. Let's talk about FOOD a little bit shall we?

Let me slash a few myths first:

1) Every diet help you to lose weight because any way you look at it, it is a change in food and a change in calories (less)...but what diets don't do is help you to get healthier. They also tend to ruin your metabolism (slow it down) which is not good. We all want fast metabolisms right? SO do me a favor and stop dieting. :) K thanks

2) Fat does not make you fat. What makes you add fat to your body is additional calories. Remember the calories in and calories out equation.

3) Carbs do not make you fat. Now, I will say that when you eat, your body uses what it needs and will store the rest (usually in the form of either stored glucose or fat). I wish it worked out that we use what we need and then the rest would disappear or just be eliminated. BUT it doesn't work that way.

Now for some friendly advice:

1) Look at the INGREDIENT SECTION on the label. STOP obsessing over calories, fat grams, carb grams, etc etc. Take a look at what it is that you are eating. IF IT SAYS: HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP OR PARTIALLY OR FULLY HYDROGENATED OIL of any kind...THROW IT OUT. YUCK! The first is basically a chemical and the second is TRANS FAT.
Stop eating chemicals and start eating FOOD.

2) If it has a mom or comes from the ground...EAT IT. As simple as that. Can you come up with anything that is horrible for you that either has a mom or comes from the ground?

I don't think so.

3) It is a whole grain if on the label the first ingredient says "WHOLE _________ (insert grain type here). If it says enriched or white or unbleached is not a whole grain and THROW IT OUT.

White flour is basically whole wheat flour that they took the nutrients out of (so it won't spoil as fast on the store shelves) and then if it says enriched...that means that put some of the nutrients back in. DOES THAT MAKE ANY FREAKIN SENSE? NO. So don't buy it unless you need half ww flour and half all purpose...some recipes will call for it.

4) If you cannot pronounce what is included in the ingredient section......DO NOT BUY IT. It is most likely a ton of processed crap that you are about to put in your body. Not many nutrients...therefore a waste of calories and money.

5) The less ingredients the better. :) The less is in the product, the less processed it is, and the better it will be for you.

6) Try to stop eating those damn 100 calories packs. They drive me nuts. Read the label/ingredients after reading this and tell me that they pass the test. If you want a freaking cookie/cracker/or whatever BAKE IT or buy one that is less processed and/or organic/made with whole wheat flour.

7) When you go grocery shopping and go to the produce section, what ingredients do you have to read on the package of oranges, apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, grapes, carrots, tomatoes, cukes, etc etc.
NONE!!!!! So I believe that they are the best choices. BUY mostly produce and then whatever you need to make full meals, grab those SECOND. Organic is better! Less pesticides

8) Shop the perimeter of the grocery store FIRST. The healthiest foods are the ones around the store...not necessarily in the aisles...try it and you will understand.

9) Stop buying everything that is LOW FAT. Low fat means nothing in terms of health. When they take the fat out, they put sugar/some chemical into it. It's fine to do with some stuff, but really, ever since the low fat diet has come out, we have become more obese as a nation.

10) SODA. Oh god, this one really sets me off. What the hell is SODA? Chemicals that leach the calcium and vit d from your bones, sugar (or high fructose corn syrup), artificial coloring, flavoring, etc etc. If you want bubbly, grab a seltzer water and put a splash of real fruit juice in it (no aspartame or sucralose in it..CHECK IT to make sure it does not contain that).

11) DRINK WATER. OH and buy a stainless steel water bottle instead of a million bottled will save money, save the earth, and not have chemicals leaching into your water.

12) LAST ONE, try to purchase items that do not come in a box. NO BOXED foods. think about things that come in a box...are they heavily processed? YES. Are they typically foods that have a mom or come from the ground? NO.

I will say that cereal/granola is OKAY as long as you check the ingredients.

OKAY. That is enough for now!

I know I told you a lot of don'ts but...let's start with what the cut out and then perhaps I will talk about what to put into your cart. :)

WHAT DO YOU THINK GUYS?! Do-able or what!?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sometimes you have to DIG DEEP

You know those days when:

you are just super uninterested in going to work/school....

you just don't care what you put in your body....

you don't want to exercise or move your body...

you feel like the world is just totally against you...

you wake up on the wrong side of the bed...

you feel like no one is listening to you...

you are nearing the end of a run and you are struggling...

you are your own worst enemy...

you feel like you are going nowhere or going down the wrong path...

you think your goal is unreachable...

you are indifferent....



Dig deep= find that part inside of you that is going to FIGHT when you have nothing left to give.

For example, digging deep...ever seen the movie Titanic? Dramatic, I know...but... Digging deep is what those people did when they climbed the mast all the way up to the top in order to live...they didn't have the physical energy, but somehow climbed up and "survived". I think most died...but let's say that the top of the mast=survival.

Just when you think you have nothing left...DIG DEEPER. Find that strength and perserverence and GO FOR IT. Find that space inside of you that you would have to tap into in order to SURVIVE and LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT!

I get it...we all have those days...I have those days too!

It's about how you manage and handle those days/moments/weeks/hours/years that matters.

Just when life/your goal/a relationship/or whatever gets HARD or CHALLENGING....that's when you need to DIG DEEP and SHINE. Find your way out of it...FIGHT through it...find a way to make it happen (or find someone that can help you fight--in some cases we need outside help).

This MUST be your mentality. Anything in life is's those who want it, who get it. Those who give up all of their excuses, stop complaining, and MAKE THE CHANGE and DIG DEEP. You must come up with a thousands reasons WHY you want to make yourself better (leaner, happier, more confident, more fit, better self esteem, content, healthier) instead of the thousands of excuses and reasons why you might fail or can't do something.

I will share a goal of mine with you all that is going to sound NUTS/Crazy/Unattainable...

I want to cure America of this disease called being UNHEALTHY (links into my very first blog if you remember). I want to change how we eat, move, think, act, and how we speak to one another. I want to make people HAPPIER and HEALTHIER and UNSTOPPABLE. I want to change American lives for the better.

Everything I am trying to do or become is me taking steps towards that goal. Am I crazy for wanting that? Maybe. You know what I do in order to feel like I am accomplishing something though? I try to set a good example...I eat healthy, rest, exercise, push myself, think positively, say hi to random people, smile, etc etc. I also write this information/answering questions from strangers and do it for the well being of others...not for myself. I also personal train people in order to help them change their lives and bodies.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Are there days when I feel like I am never going to make a difference or attain that goal? Are there moments where I don't believe in myself and think it doesn't matter if I don't finish a run or give my all to a client of mine?


BUT that's when I dig deeper.

SO whatever it is in your life that you want to accomplish, whether it be in the gym or even outside of exercising or eating healthy... Find what it is...DIG DEEP...and GET THERE.

Find a word that you can say to yourself when you don't think you can do it...when you want to give up...say if to yourself over and over again...Let it motivate and inspire you.

My word: Believe.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Weight loss and's and don'ts

Hey all! Continuing with the ever so popular topic of weight loss (fat loss).

Most people want to lose fat when they talk about weight loss...not losing muscle or your organs I am guessing ;)

SO let me tell you what I have found to be most effective with me and my clients in terms of fat loss:

Do full body exercises 3x a week. Full body exercises burn the most amount of calories. Push Ups, Pull Ups, Squats with shoulder press, lunges with bicep curls, bent over rows, etc etc. If you have time, add some core movements but just doing abdominals are not going to burn enough calories in order to make a change in your body fat percentage. Just google full body exercises and a ton will come up...orrrr just get an exercise book and you'll find some ideas. Women's Health and Men's Health both put out some great books with all different exercises with their progressions.

Do cardio on your off days. Let's say your lifting days are MWF and your cardio days are T-TR and perhaps one day on the weekend.

Play with the sets and reps schemes. I started with 3 sets of 15 reps when I first started lifting. Then I did 4 sets of 12....then 3 sets of 10...basically switching it up every 4-8 weeks so that my body is constantly changing and not plateu-ing.

Push yourself during your lifting should be exhausted after your session. Leave everything in the session...give it your all. On your cardio days, just get that heart rate up! Whatever you chose to do for cardio, make sure that you aren't able to carry on a conversation...called the Talk Test. If you can have a conversation or sing to your IPOD out loud, then you aren't working hard enough. :) Go for as long as you can, and then stop.

It's hard for me to explain everything in a blog...and again, I am a personal trainer so a program is quite different for each person...but here is the meat and potatoes of it.

Let me know if you have any questions or even if you just loved the info or needed more! :)

Thanks all!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A couple random purchases today

Hey All! Hope you all had a relaxing Sunday :) This picture is your first real insight into how much of a dork I am *and someone took the picture of I am not one of those who takes pics of themselves and sets the timer*.

So today I went to TJMAXX to buy some glass pyrex...and to be that only. However, like usual, I ended up buying something else as well...this time it was a home pull up bar! I love doing pull ups...they are in my opinion, one of the BEST exercises you can do. I will tell you my opinion.

1) It's a whole body exercise (glutes are squeezing, abs are pulling in, arms, back, etc)

2) It shows your ability to move your own body weight around which I think is most important.

3) Pull ups are HARD (especially for women--not excluding men though!)

About 5 or so months ago I started doing jump pull ups which is when you jump up as high as you can to reach the bar and then pull up as much as you can. Then I did a push up/stand up/jump pull ups. THEN I decided to just try to do pull ups without jumping. Since then, I am now able to do at least 3-4 full pulls up in a row, sometimes 5 depending on my energy level.

Now, my goal is to do 10 full pulls up in a row without stopping! I am committed to this goal and now I have a pull up bar in my door way into my bathroom so I really have no excuse at all! It will take time and effort but I have set myself in such a way to not fail at this goal.


1) Set a goal of doing 10 pull ups

2) Why this goal?: Because I want to be stronger, able to pull my own body weight up 10 times, strengthen my abdominals, lean up more in order to feel better about my body and myself. This will also increase my confidence and self-esteem.

3) Set myself up to reach this goal but making it a committment of mine, buying a pull up bar *15 bucks*, and now am going to do daily pull ups after my nightly yoga sessions.

Making fitness and health part of your daily lives is what will get you to that goal! If I didn't buy the pull up bar then the only time I'd have access to it is at work *at the gym I work at*. I made sure that I had access to it whenever I wanted. Just adding something like a medicine ball or a stability ball into your home is a step towards making fitness apart of your everyday life. SNEAKERS, a watch, some fun athletic gear, a bike, heart rate monitor, fitness DVD, etc etc.

I know it's's challenging to get yourself to go on a walk, run, get yourself to a class or to the gym...but honestly, take it day by day. Today I was tired, a little lazyand, just busy and had a million things to do but I made it happen...I did my errands and then said to myself that I would feel better if I I went running for 2 miles (nothing huge but it was better than nothing) and then walked the same loop for a total of about 4 miles. I made it happen and so can you!
This pic is of my new running water bottle belt *making up my own name for it* that I purchased a few weekends ago. It was like $45 and has a pouch to put stuff in and 2 lil water bottles. It was so comfortable and was just enough water for us! I took it with us on my run today so I figured I'd let you see it! haha. Oh and behind me on the top right hand corner of the pic you can see my new pull up bar that I talked about!

Make fitness part of your life...commit yourself and make it happen.


I will keep you updated on my success as long as you keep me updated on yours!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Fascinating Topic of Weight Loss

Happy Saturday Everyone!

SO since most of my questions from clients, bloggers, and others are about weight loss, let's talk about it!

I'm just gonna go for it...

How do you lose weight?
Weight loss occurs because the calories you take in is less than the calories you burn.
Calories burned by exercising, activities of daily life (walking, typing, taking a shower, etc etc) and also calories (energy) that your body will use (burn) in order to maintain life (digesting and absorbing food, producing energy, maintaining your body temperature, breathing...basically everything your body needs to do in order to maintain life).

The more lean body tissue you have *muscle* the more calories your body will burn naturally *even when you are sleeping*. Fat tissue is not that metabolically active so you want less fat (doesn't burn as many calories) and more muscle. Muscle is more metabolically active tissue meaning it requires more energy and will therefore use more energy.

OH and by the way, FAT TISSUE does not CONVERT to MUSCLE TISSUE. One does not turn into another.

You can lose fat and you can add muscle tissue...but they do not turn into the other. BIG myth.

To be completely honest, I do not count calories. I do not wear a heart rate monitor in order to track how many calories I burn. I have done so in the past and to be honest, nothing positive came out of it. I lost weight on the scale but it was muscle I was losing, a little fat, and a lot of my life. I was totally obsessed with working out, eating as least as possible, and in the end, totally messed up my metabolism (slowed it down). All bad.

So take my advice, get lean (decrease fat and work those muscles) and you will not have to worry about calories in and out...your body will burn more calories naturally and you will be eating healthy so that you really don't have to worry about a thing. I am finally getting to that spot...not all the way there by any means, but I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. My body fat has decrease significantly and I am stronger and more fit than I ever have been.

The goal is to get your body to a state where it is naturally burning a lot of energy on its' own so you don't have to stress about the calories you are putting in.

The number on the scale...
Is a representation of all things that make up your body (organs, water, muscle, fat, blood, etc etc). What you want to do is decrease fat...which honestly, a scale cannot tell you since it doesn't know fat from muscle from water or from a hole in the ground. SO that's why I say don't worry about the scale so much.

What you want to do is lose fat...not necessarily weight. If you are decreasing fat and making your muscle more dense and strong...who cares what the scales says. I've lost a significant amount of body fat and the scale hasn't really changed...maybe a pound or two but that isn't what I am pumped's the fact that my clothes feel better, look better, I have more energy, you can see my muscles...they are more defined. ALL THAT is much better to me than seeing a lower number on the scale. I haven't turned into the Incredible Hulk either for those of you ladies who are terrified of getting "BULKY". BULKY and women do not go together...unless you have an obscene amount of testosterone/you are taking steriods.

You want to have someone measure your waist, hips, arms, thighs etc. Is the number decreasing? GOOD! That means you are losing fat and getting tighter...oh another thing...fat takes up more space than if your clothes are fitting looser...than you most likely are losing fat! You can also have someone measure your body fat percentage...that's what I do with my clients using calipers. Any gym will have trainers who will do free assessments on you. Do an assessment every 6-12 weeks. OR just be aware of how your clothes are fitting...that's the best and least expensive option.

SO. LOSE FAT not MUSCLE. DO NOT DIET or eat less than 1200 calories for women and I think for men it's about 300-400 calories more than women (not completely sure). Just eat healthy food, lift weights, get active and check in with your clothes or assess yourself using the other ways that I mentioned.

You want to look (and feel)strong, healthy, and defined. See the muscles instead of them being hidden by fat. Fat is not really metabolically active tissue...MUSCLE IS!


I could go on with this topic forever...more to come in the next post.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Let's here from you!

Soo....after a week's pilot of the Beyond Fitness Blog...I'd LOVE to hear what you all think of it..

what do you think of the blogs? Helpful in anyway? Confusing?

What do you want more of? More facts? More advice? Motivation?


A semi face lift for Beyond Fitness

Hey all!

Just added some cool stuff to the blog! Seasonal foods, fitness tip of the day, a place to ask questions (way towards the bottom).

I still have a lot of work to do on this blog...I'm working on it daily!

THANK YOU to everyone who has began following! I really and truly appreciate it :)

If you know of any friends that could benefit from my blog (so's only been about a weeks worth of blogs...but I am guessing you get where it's going) then please send them my way!

Again, ANY questions or comments are greatly appreciated! I will totally answer any questions you have! Email them to me:> I check that every 2 seconds so if you'd rather communicate with me through email, that's cool too!

Again, thanks for following. Really means so much to me :)

Importance of listening to your body..

Hey everyone! It's more day to go before the weekend! YAY!

You ever have those days when your body is just exhausted and doesn't feel like being active? (I'm sure all hands are being raised).

Totally had one off those days today. Thursdays are notoriously one of Cait's Running I went to work, brought my running clothes and sneakers and was trying to force myself to run.

Then a light bulb went off. WHY AM I FORCING MYSELF TO RUN? Didn't I just post a blog about balance the other day?!

As much of an advocate of pushing yourself beyond your limits, I am also a big fan of BALANCE and LISTENING to your body. It will allow you to push it when it's ready and has energy for it...but today was just not one of those days for me.

It was physical exhaustion...not a motivation issue. SO I listened to it.

I did interval training outside. Ran and walked off and on. I just got out of the shower and I feel amazing! (I should also note I went into the steam room).

I listened to my body when it told me "Caitlin, I need a break...I can't push myself too hard's time to relax and take it down a notch".

SO listen to your body and it will thank you!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Try something new :)

Hey all!

So this week, I've been adding yoga into my daily activities...and I have to say, it's really fun! I'm flipping between Jillian Michael's yoga DVD *which is not really yoga, it's more like body weight exercises with a yoga twist* and a more relaxing form of yoga DVD.

I've never really been super into yoga because I know I'm the type of person who likes to go go I never figured I'd really enjoy it that much. However, since there are so many types of yoga, there is totally something for everyone!

I started doing yoga on Sunday night and have been doing it every night since. I have to say...I feel really good before I go to bed because of it and I even wake up REFRESHED in the morning. I NEVER feel refreshed in the morning...and I have been all week!

So I guess the moral of the story is, TRY SOMETHING NEW because you never know what you will get from it...

Thanks for letting me share with you! Share some NEW THINGS you've been doing that have made you feel better! I'd love to hear some of your stories!

Good night all :) Sweet dreams and have a nice positive start to your day tomorrow.

A great quote I found on the internet today...

**"If you focus on results, you won't change. If you focus on change , you will get results" **

This is a pretty interesting quote because I see both sides of it.

The first part: If you focus on results, you won't change.
On the one hand, I get it...just merely focusing on getting results will most likely lead you to doing what seems to be working over and over again. If you want to get more defined, lose fat, increase muscle, and/or eat healthier, you may end up finding what "works" and stick to just that because you may be afraid to stray from it in fear of not getting the results.

But on the other hand, if you don't focus on the results you want...I have a feeling that you will lose sight of what you really want....YOUR GOAL that I've been writing about for a few days now. Your results may be what is motivating you don't want to lose track of the reasons why you want to reach your goal(s). Perhaps it is about WHY you want to reach your goal, rather than the actual goal.

I do realize this is a little deep for 847 in the morning....


The second part: If you focus on change, you will get results.

If you focus on changing *which is what you are doing in order to get to your goal since what you are doing now is not getting you there (just a guess) changing your diet, exercise pattern, sleep pattern, etc.* then your body will be shocked and it will then need to adapt to the new stimulus/change placed upon it, and will make the necessary adaptations...which will lead to RESULTS.

When you don't change often, you hit a plateau. If you are doing the same exercise program, using the same weights, same rep and set scheme, doing the same amount and type of cardio, and eating the same will not see a change. Think about it...what new stimulus have you placed on your body? NOTHING! YES consistency is necessary...but change is also a part of the equation...a big part! I change my clients progarm every 4-7 weeks depending on their progress in order for them not to hit a plateau.

Long story LONG, I think it's about knowing WHY you want to reach your goal, then figuring out how to change your current lifestyle in order to reach your goal. It's not about the's about WHY you want the results...that will provide motivation and inspiration to you. FOCUS on changing what needs to be changed...whether that is your diet, exercise pattern or lack thereof, mindset, attitude, or approach...and once you figure that out...then balls to the wall GO FOR IT!

If you've been eating the same food, doing the same exercise program, having the same attitude, YOU BODY WILL NOT CHANGE. Try something new...ASK me what I think the best way for you to get to your goal is and I will give you suggestions as to what/how to change in order to REACH your goal.

Keep in touch people! I love the questions I've received so far! Thank you thank you thank you!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Balance as it relates to you achieving your goal...

Hey Everyone! Hope you have all had a great day! :) It's been a healthy week so far for me...and I hope it has been for you as well!

Let's talk about seems to be something I see less and less.

Finding balance between work and play...balance in your diet....balance in your exercise program...balance in your relationships/friendships...balance in your mind...balance in your body.

Making sure you are having fun and working hard. Making sure you are eating all different colors of fruits and veggies within your day and week. Making sure you are strength training, stretching, and doing some type of cardiovascular exercise...and on top of that, resting! Make sure you are spending time on each relationship you have within your friends, family, and love interests. Make sure you are taking time for enjoy the activities you love. Make sure you are taking care of YOU and not just taking care of others. Making sure when you are hungry to eat and then when you are no longer hungry, to stop eating. Making sure you take a break when your body is exhausted...going to bed early or taking a day off of a hard workout. Make sure you spend some time outside to enjoy your surroundings, wherever they may be.

I think the best feeling is laying in your bed at the end of the day and thinking to yourself that you've had a fulfilling and balanced day. You are at peace with your day....did everything you could and wanted to do then letting go of the rest until tomorrow. Rest your mind and body so that you have balance between day and night.

On that note, it's time for me to watch my favorite show, do a little bit of stretching and then go to that I can complete my day...balanced. :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

How to be successful at reaching your goal...

Well what is it that makes one person more successful at reaching their goal over another?

Let me throw some words out there that come to mind:


Out of all of those listed, I have to say that being CONSISTENT and COMMITTED are the two most important factors that will result in your SUCCESS.

AGAIN...remind yourself of your GOAL and WHY you want to reach that goal. the WHY part of the equation will help to give you the PASSION, DRIVE, MOTIVATION, and DESIRE to be successful. FOCUS goes right along with COMMITTMENT...if you are committed, you will keep your goal a daily, hourly focus.

I'd LOVE to hear about your goals and get more active in your journey to your goal. Your goal can be anything that you want to accomplish...whether it's eating more fruit each day, losing the baby weight, getting more energy, getting a six pack, loving your body, adding muscle, losing fat, running a marathon, learning how to lift correctly, sleeping more...ANYTHING GOES!

Keep my posted on your experience as we go through this journey together! ASK for help and I will help you. :)

About that goal of yours...

Hey Everyone! Good Morning and Happy Monday!

Remember to set a goal for yourself. Tell me what that goal is!

The FIRST step to change your body and life is to set a goal...I will give you an example of a goal I set for myself back in run a half marathon in May. See I make goals for myself too!

After defining your goal, you will now want to figure out HOW you are going to achieve this goal. IMAGINE yourself reaching your goal, or in my case, crossing the finish line STRONG. How will it FEEL to achieve your goal?

When you set a goal and reach it, it really is the best feeling in the world. No one can take that feeling away from you and it's awesome knowing that you did it for YOU! This blog is about YOU changing YOU for YOURSELF. :)

WRITE YOUR GOAL DOWN. Write about your goal...what do you imagine? How will it feel to achieve this goal..WHY IS THIS YOUR GOAL and then, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET THERE?!

What do you NEED in order to achieve this goal? Do you need new sneakers, a bike, a therapist, a gym buddy, someone to cook with you, more information, motivation, inspiration, someone to get you off the couch, or just some suggestions?

FIND OUT WHAT YOU NEED and ASK for it! ASK me any questions you have pertaining to your goal.

Just TRY ME! :)


P.S. For those of you that love Facebook, I'm thinking of making a fan page for Beyond Fitness and posting my blog stay tuned...

NEXT UP: Getting you on the path to SUCCESS

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Let's start a movement...

that involves Americans (all people for that matter) making strides to make themselves healthier. I am not even going to name off all of the various medical conditions that are on the rise because a)the list would be super long and b)it makes me sad and c)let's start the movement that will decrease the prevalence of these conditions instead.

I want to see everyone more ACTIVE. I want to see that the rates of Type 2 Diabetes have DECREASED. I want to see kids active OUTSIDE and not just playing inside on computers and nintendos (although I have nothing against Nintendo...I loved playing that as a kid). I want to see people CARE about what goes in their bodies so that we do not have to see our family and friends suffer from conditions we could have possibly prevented. I want to see WOMEN and MEN getting active together. I want to see FAMILIES making meals together and then eating TOGETHER. I want to see people SUPPORTING one another in their quest to making themselves healthier. I want to see people PUSHING themselves to their POTENTIAL instead of accepting failure or half-assing anything in their life. I want to see people going to FARMERS MARKETS since those are the people who are supporting our soil and keeping our Earth healthy. I want us to RECYCLE as much as we can. I want to see people STOP stressing over the number on the SCALE and START being concerned with their HEALTH. I want YOU to believe in YOURSELF and make conscious efforts to LOVE your body and who you are.

I know, I want A LOT. However, it is ACHEIVABLE.

TRUST ME on this one. Remember I am a personal trainer. I have seen people succeed in fat loss, in adding muscle, in doing things they never thought they'd ever be able to do. It's REAL.

My hope is that WE work to be healthier TOGETHER...ONE day, ONE hour, ONE person at a time.

YOUR HOMEWORK: make a goal for yourself. Tell me what it is. Make it about YOU and not about the scale. For example, if your goal is to lose 15 pounds of fat, tell me WHY...tell me what that 15 pound loss will do for YOU and why is that your goal.

Okay, that's all for now. I hope to see posts from ALL of YOU soon. :)