Thursday, July 15, 2010

Importance of listening to your body..

Hey everyone! It's more day to go before the weekend! YAY!

You ever have those days when your body is just exhausted and doesn't feel like being active? (I'm sure all hands are being raised).

Totally had one off those days today. Thursdays are notoriously one of Cait's Running I went to work, brought my running clothes and sneakers and was trying to force myself to run.

Then a light bulb went off. WHY AM I FORCING MYSELF TO RUN? Didn't I just post a blog about balance the other day?!

As much of an advocate of pushing yourself beyond your limits, I am also a big fan of BALANCE and LISTENING to your body. It will allow you to push it when it's ready and has energy for it...but today was just not one of those days for me.

It was physical exhaustion...not a motivation issue. SO I listened to it.

I did interval training outside. Ran and walked off and on. I just got out of the shower and I feel amazing! (I should also note I went into the steam room).

I listened to my body when it told me "Caitlin, I need a break...I can't push myself too hard's time to relax and take it down a notch".

SO listen to your body and it will thank you!


Unknown said...

Hey Cait,

So I've been secretly reading your blog since you started it this past week waiting for an interesting subject (in my opinion) to comment on.

First off I just want to say that I think this is a really great topic for a blog. There is literally an unlimited amount of info on this subject (literally unlimited...just google health/exercise tips) but no one to actually talk to about it and bounce ideas off of. I like reading it because you not only give us great stuff to think about but you relate it to your life and how it's working for you. In the past I've just relied on stuff I can find on google and the one or two books I've bought on the subject. I don't really have any close friends that are personal trainers/nutritionists so I'm usually on my own with stuff like this.

Second, I had no idea that you were a personal NYC non the less! I think that's pretty F'in sweet. You've come a long way from you know where (I don't want to say where exactly cause I don't want to reveal any of your personal info).

And Thirdly (my actual comment on the topic), the balance I often struggle with is the one between my mind and body. In my mind I really want to stay active and go to the gym on a regular basis and jog a few times a week but my body never seems to want to. I know this just sounds like I'm being lazy but that's not the case. I have the motivation and I do lead a pretty health life but it seems like I can never get the energy to keep a solid schedule. Right now I'm actually going through therapy for a shoulder injury that I sustained a couple months ago so I've actually stopped lifting and I'm just focusing on that rehab...I try and jog regularly, if I can find the time. But anyway, I guess my question is how to get my body and mind on the same page. If I listened to my body all the time then I would never end up pushing myself.

Caitlin said...

Hi August! SO good to hear from you!! It's been so long since I've seen you/talked to you, so I honestly hope all is well and that you are enjoying whatever you are doing with your life! :) Guessing you graduated from college..which is super exciting!

The mind-body to get them on the same page. GREAT TOPIC and great question!

Before I answer your question, I need to ask some questions:

You say that you are motivated but your body is having a hard time getting active/reguarly active...

1) Do you get enough sleep?

2) What else is going on in your life that may be taking energy away from your body?

3) Are you stressed at all..anything going on that is stressful?

You also mentioned "I try to job regularly if I have the time" time a big issue for you?

When you say your body is tired/uninterested in running...describe how your body is feeling...lethargic, heavy, etc etc.

What do you eat? Perhaps nutrition needs to be altered a little bit.

Also, when do you try to run/exercise? Morning, afternoon, after work, before meals, after meals? <---these factors are HUGE.

If you can pop me back a comment with answers, I can give you better advice. Thanks for the awesome comment...glad I could post a topic that was worthy of your comment ;)