Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Try something new :)

Hey all!

So this week, I've been adding yoga into my daily activities...and I have to say, it's really fun! I'm flipping between Jillian Michael's yoga DVD *which is not really yoga, it's more like body weight exercises with a yoga twist* and a more relaxing form of yoga DVD.

I've never really been super into yoga because I know I'm the type of person who likes to go go I never figured I'd really enjoy it that much. However, since there are so many types of yoga, there is totally something for everyone!

I started doing yoga on Sunday night and have been doing it every night since. I have to say...I feel really good before I go to bed because of it and I even wake up REFRESHED in the morning. I NEVER feel refreshed in the morning...and I have been all week!

So I guess the moral of the story is, TRY SOMETHING NEW because you never know what you will get from it...

Thanks for letting me share with you! Share some NEW THINGS you've been doing that have made you feel better! I'd love to hear some of your stories!

Good night all :) Sweet dreams and have a nice positive start to your day tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Been adding chin-ups and pull-ups into my lifting routines lately! Never been good at those so its a good challenge!

Caitlin said...

NICE MIKE! :) That's awesome! Challenges are great...makes you feel like you are accomplishing something!


Have any questions for me!? How's your 5k training going so far? Do any running this week?

Unknown said...

Every day so far! 1-1.25 miles wooo!