Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Motivational tool.

I will never forget that first day in my Health Science 101 class my sophomore year. My professor gave us a piece of paper and told us to write down the reasons why we exercise. I still have that piece of paper and look at it often. We all have our reasons why we exercise...most likely weight loss is on that list, but what else motivates you to exercise.

-decrease blood pressure
-increase confidence
-set a good example
- feel good
- feel accomplished
-be able to be active with children, grandchildren, little cousins, etc etc
-weight loss/gain/maintenance
-increase self esteem
-decrease risk of heart conditions
-just feels good to move
-decrease the risk of developing chronic conditions that may have touched your life
-alone time
-time with a friend or loved one or family member
-look better
-fit into clothes well
-so I can have that piece of cake and not feel guilty
-clear my head
-get stronger
-be proud of myself and my body
-challenge myself

Just to name a few of the ones that pop into my head today.

I've also added reasons as the years have passed. Hang it up some place that is easily viewed...the fridge, bathroom, on the scale if you tend to weigh yourself, on your desk, in your car.

You can also make a list of why you eat healthy...I ended up adding that onto the back of the exercise list.

It's a tool you can always use to remind yourself of ALL of the reasons why you exercise...it's more than just losing weight or looking more defined.

SO get out a piece of paper and start writing!! If you have yet to begin an exercise program, make one that says "Why I want to start exercising" and then after you begin, make the reasons why you do! It will be a great way to see your progress and be proud of yourself! :)



I'd LOVE to hear some from you all! It will help everyone out if you post something...we can all learn something from each other!!!!!


Unknown said...

I exercise for a bunch of reasons I think:

1. To break away from your "work" life, i.e. school, jobs, etc.

2. Getting in shape is something that I want to prove to myself that I can do

3. Andddd it without a doubt makes you feel better afterwards!

Anonymous said...

-Alone time
-Stress Management
-It feels good
-Feeling of accomplishment
-To push myself
-Set a good example for my siblings