Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tips on how to get a workout in EVERY DAY!

Hey all! Here is my weekly post...and since I just saw a woman walking with hand weights and doing biceps curls...she inspired me to write a post on how to get a workout in every day. SOMEHOW. :) Let's face it...we don't have much time to workout in our days anymore. I've included some tips to address this as well.

HOW to get a work out in everyday:

The best way:

Wake up n the morning and work out. Put your clothes and shoes out the night before...wake up, get dressed...and GO. The reason I say this is best is because then it is done and over with before you even eat breakfast or go to work. Plus, you have less excuses and reasons to not go in the morning. TIRED? Aren't we tired no matte what time we wake up? SO that's not a good excuse. Working out in the AM is also a great way to wake yourself sets a really positive tone for the day. You will also be less likely to eat poorly if you set yourself up for a healthy day the minute you wake up.

I get up at 5:25AM each morning and put on my clothes and work out.I put out my clothes the night before so all I have to do is throw them on and go. matter what. If I'm tired, I just tell myself...this is the only time you can fit this it kind of just forces me out of bed. I feel SO much more awake and feel better once my workout is done.

If you are one of those people who are great at making excuses/reasons not to exercise or just have so many other things that can happen in the day...THIS is the time to get your exercise in...THE MORNING.

2) LUNCH TIME. Most people take a lunch break. SO eat while you work either before or after your break...and work out during your break. Just get in and get out...don't waste time in the gym or outside (wherever you are exercising). It can be a little more difficult to workout during this time in the day because meetings/hw/life happen.

3) EVENING. Get home and get moving. One pro of working out at night is that you can really use your frustrations/any other emotions to really get in a great workout. Your work is done for the day...and now it's you time. The con for working out at night...most people just want to relax at the end of the, if you are a parent, things are bound to come up.

PICK one of these to start with and see how it works. Everyone has their peaks in energy at different times of the day...mine is mid morning but I am in school mid morning so I have to workout before school. And I know how I am at night...not interested in working out.

THEN figure out what you want to do. Do you only have time for 30 min? 1 hour? Take a walk? Run? Lift? Figure all of this out the DAY BEFORE so you don't waste time wandering around the gym or sitting there trying to figure out what you want to do. PLAN PLAN PLAN.

LASTLY DO the workout. Do what you planned unless you felt like doing something else.

It's that easy. We are all busy but it is those who plan and are motivated that fit it in.

1 comment:

Coley said...

I like this one Caitlin! I was just dealing with this this morning! I'm really trying with the morning thing and so far I've conquered being up early and then at least shuffling around - I'm working my way to up to a real work out. It's getting myself adjusted to a good bedtime routine so I get the sleep and then get up and go. But thanks for the tips!