Thursday, September 9, 2010

The fine balance between healthy and unhealthy. Very important you all read this

I honestly believe that there is always a fine balance between being healthy and unhealthy. Just roll with me on this one.

Health is a spectrum from unhealthy to healthy or the other way around. However, if we become obsessed with being healthy it can lead to really horrible things like eating disorders, extreme exercising, etc etc. The media is obsessed with losing weight, exercising, not being obese....etc etc. If we aren't careful, we can turn a good thing into a monster. Trust me, I've been down that path and it's not worth it.

We as a society are so obsessed with weight loss. We think that healthy means "skinny" when really healthy is much more than just what the number says on the scale. I have mentioned this a thousand times over. You can have a high percentage of body fat and still be skinny. However, having too much fat on our bodies is what typically leads to all of these health problems we are facing today. So I get it that it can be hypercritical to say exercise, but not too less, but not too little. But honesty, we all know when we are hungry and when we are full. We don't need to count calories to figure that out.

I've heard of way too many people who have developed unhealthy eating and exercise habits from what started as something healthy. They become obsessed about calories, exercise, and not allowing themselves to enjoy life. I will say it again, it's not worth it.

Eating disorders are deadly. People die from them. It's not just about losing weight or throwing up. It's a disease of the mind that manifests itself in physical form. There are 6 year olds diagnosed with eating disorders and also 86 year olds that are still battling with an eating disorder since they were a teenager. It's really a sad disorder.

SO it's not about the's about how you are taking care of yourself.

Be nice to your body. Feed it...nourish it with vitamins and minerals from fruits and veggies that will allow your body to function properly. Move your body...let it get some activity. Our muscles need that to keep themselves healthy. Find healthy ways to manage your LIFE. Not just your stress....good and bad things happen in everyone's life. Find ways to MANAGE YOUR EMOTIONS. Respect yourself and your body.

Having said this, please be cautious when you are talking to others about their weight or your own weight. Especially guys have no idea how much you affect your children...they hear everything you say, regardless if you think they heard you. So be aware of what you say around others. You never know who you are positively or negatively impacting.

If you think that someone in your life may be suffering from an eating disorder...go to and check out all of the info they have. They have a hotline for you or anyone else (suffering or not) to call.

Oh. And you are beautiful the way you are. Just needed to say that.

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