Monday, October 24, 2011

Motivation Monday: What Motivates YOU?!

Today's Motivation Monday is all about figuring out WHAT motivates YOU.

Is it your health? Your family? Your future? Your past? Fitting into an awesome pair of jeans? Gaining your confidence back? Becoming a role model for your kids? Taking your life back into your hands? 

Figuring out what motivates you is HUGE. If you don't know why you want to get to your goal, then you will never get there. There is a reason why you want to get to your goal, and you have to figure out what that WHY is.

It's that "WHY" factor that will be in the forefront of your mind and will be a constant reminder of why you are doing the work you are doing. WHY you are changing parts of your life. CHANGE is tough. 

It's that "WHY" factor that will keep you going. 

So for Today's Motivation Monday...I challenge you to find your motivation. 

Do something healthy for yourself.

-Caitlin *

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