Monday, October 31, 2011

Motivation Monday: Quote!

Well, we are back to Monday!
You know what that means.. Motivation Monday!

Quote for today: 
"Don't be afraid to give yourself everything you've ever wanted." 

Try not to be scared of the unknown *trust me, I need to take my own advice more often*. I will be the first person who will admit it...I am scared of the unknown, but you know what, I have grown to appreciate the unknowns of life. I have faced that fear. It is easier said than done. HOWEVER, if you are scared of something, face the fear. With every fear you face, you will become stronger and more confident. Who doesn't want that?

What are some things that people fear in 
terms of health?

1.Scared to be off of a diet (what if I fall off of the bandwagon...well, what if there is no such thing as a bandwagon..can't fall off of something that isn't real)

2.Fear of going on a diet (Then don't! You are afraid of it for a reason, maybe you are scared that you will deprive yourself, so do yourself a favor, and don't do it!--learn how to eat healthy foods instead).

3. Fear of gaining weight (so you end up doing the same exercises and eating the same foods and you eventually end up hitting a plateau and not enjoying food (deprivation)...which may lead to binging)

4. Scared of exercising (I don't know if my body can take it, I don't know what to do, I don't know how to do it, I don't know if what I'm doing is right. Instead meet a trainer, look up exercise programs online, ask a friend...find a way to become comfortable being uncomfortable)

5. Scared of going out to eat (wouldn't that mean I am "cheating" and will then gain weight?)

6. Fear of failing (What if failure wasn't an option? Who decides success and failure other than yourself. Set yourself up for success.)

7. Scared of the unknown (the "what if's" of life. Just to let you know, the what ifs in life is what makes life surprising and spontaneous. Why do you want to know the answer to everything anyways?!) 

8. Fear of putting yourself out there (that is what life is all about- put yourself out there and who knows what amazing doors may open.)

9. Scared of exercising in a gym or around other people (everyone will be looking at me...not true, everyone is worried about the same thing you are)

10. Scared of getting on the scale (so don't! Maybe use how your clothes fit instead!)

The biggest one:
11. Fear of facing yourself (the reality of your health, the reality of your weight, the reality that you have some changes to make).

Facing yourself is hard. It's challenging. It makes you look deep inside to figure out what is going on with you. BUT facing yourself...your goals, the obstacles in the way, your past, your future, and what you are doing now, is ESSENTIAL to you getting to your goals and to become healthier.  

You can not grow if you never realize where you are starting from. 

So today, for motivation Monday, I challenge you to FACE A FEAR of yours. Maybe it's one of the one's listed, or maybe it's not, either way, face a fear today. 

Do something healthy for yourself!

Caitlin *

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