Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Try Something New Tuesday- Being Grateful

Good Morning!
Today is Try Something New Tuesday: Being Grateful!

5 Things I am Grateful For:
1. The people who are in my life (you know who you are). I am surrounded by the most supportive people who are positive, uplifting, make me laugh, and keep me grounded.

2. My health. I am grateful that I have the resources and knowledge to live a healthy life.

3. Water to drink, food to eat, a roof over my head, and air to breathe. It's simple, but it's the little things that really matter.

4. The trip I am about to take to Florida to visit my grandparents. So grateful to be able to spend time with them :)

5.  The opportunity to teach spin class every Tuesday and Thursday. It truly has a positive effect on my week, and hopefully have a positive effect on the participants in the class.

So, What are YOU grateful for today?
Do something healthy for yourself,

Caitlin *

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