Friday, November 4, 2011

Favorite Things Friday: Stevia!

Yay! It's Friday!!!
My Favorite Things Friday: Stevia Edition
According to my face, it doesn't look like I like Stevia, 
BUT I really do! :) 

Here's the low down on Stevia:

Comes from the Stevia Rebaundiana plant found mostly in South America. It has been used in South American for a verrryyy long time and it has recently made its way into our grocery stores.

What's so great about it?
It is a natural sweetener that comes from a plant with a part of it being extracted to be used as a substitute for sugar (Reb A). It is essentially calorie-free and is 200 times sweeter than sugar. If you are a little weary about artificial sweeteners like Splenda, Equal, Sweet and Low, etc, this could be an alternative for you! Some brands you may have heard about or seen are: Truvia, PureVia, Stevia in the Raw. You can buy it at pretty much any grocery store and can find it in packets as well as granules. You can use it in pretty much anything that you use sugar in! 

Is it Safe?
Yes, the FDA considers it safe to use as a sugar substitute (only in Reb A form--so look for ingredients on label). 

Recipes that Use Stevia:

Have a great day and do something healthy for yourself!!!

Caitlin *

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