Monday, November 21, 2011

Motivation Monday: Get it Right

Happy Motivation Monday Everyone! 

I hope you are having a positive start to your week! This week is the start of the Holiday Season, which for most people is a rough time of the year health-wise. Here's a quote to help you remind yourself that each day is a new day, and to not carry one day into the other.

Wake up each morning and remind yourself that it is a new day and it's another opportunity for you to "get it right"--whatever that means to you...whether it's eating healthier or getting a run/workout or whether it's managing your stress. Allow yourself to take the opportunity and try not to beat yourself up about the day before! What's done is done. 

Feel free to print this picture and post it somewhere in your apartment, house, office, etc. 

Do Something Healthy For Yourself,

Caitlin *

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