Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Try Something New for Breakfast

This week, I challenge you to switch up that breakfast routine! 

Typically, people eat the same thing for breakfast. Why don't we spice things up this week and try a new breakfast recipe?

Some ideas include:
-Greek Yogurt with fruit and some Kashi Go Lean Cereal
-Smoothie with fruit, protein powder, and ground flax seed
-Egg white omelet with fresh veggies
-Oatmeal with 1 tbsp pb (trust me its good) and a piece of fruit
-Kashi Go Lean Cereal with a banana and a sprinkle of cinnamon
-Whole grain waffle with pumpkin butter and 1 egg

Switching up the foods you eat is good because it keeps you from getting bored! Food is far from boring, but when we get into a routine of eating the same things, it can definitely become that way.

Want more breakfast ideas? Comment! 

Do something healthy for yourself
Caitlin *

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