Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Motivation Monday- Florida Style! :)

“I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday”.

Every day is an opportunity; An opportunity to make strides to become a better you. An opportunity to continue with the progress you made the day before; An opportunity to make life more positive if you had a “not so positive” day the day prior.

If you can see each day for what it is, you will have an easier time accepting life and accepting the challenges that you face on a day to day basis. A day is just a day. It is only 24 hours. Within those 24 hours, there are 24 separate hours. Each moment has the ability to give you something different.

You have 24 separate hours. It’s not a make or break…it’s not black and white. A day is literally gray. You will have good moments, tough moments, positive moments, and negative moments. All of those moments mix together to equal the day. What if I were to say there are no good days and bad days, but just days that have positive and negative moments, challenging moments, and moments of greatness?!

I know it is hard to actually put this mentality into action, but if you just try, you may find that it has something to offer you and your life. It may even allow you to get to your goals faster and in a healthier manner. It may allow you to truly live your life and celebrate the small victories each day brings. Allow yourself to celebrate the small changes you are making…pat yourself on the back to celebrate your small changes/progress, instead of beating yourself up about some challenges you faced or some not so positive events that happened in your day.

 Each day you have an opportunity to become closer to your goal. Each day you have an opportunity to pat yourself on the back instead of beating yourself up. Getting to your goal is great, but what will stick with you for the rest of your life is the journey. Make strides to get to your goals…

and most of all,

enjoy the journey.

As always, Do something Healthy for Yourself!  
-Caitlin *

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