Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tried and True Thursday #2 FIBERRRRRRRR

**Happy "Tried and True Thursday"! **

Today's fun fact is about fiber!

Men (19-50 years old) should consume about 38 grams of fiber per day. 
Women (19-50 years old) should consume about 25 grams.

How can you get that much fiber in one day!?

Easy! At each meal, fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables, consuming whole grain, and eat some BEANS! 

When adding fiber into your diet, make sure you add fiber in slowly. Adding fiber too fast too quick may give you some unwanted digestive side effects.

Also, make sure you drink plenty of water when adding fiber into your diet! 

What's so great about Fiber?
Well, fiber helps to keep your digestive system clean and healthy, can prevent some cancers (breast, colon, etc), and has heart healthy benefits like lowering LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Fiber helps to keep you full so it aids in weight loss/weight maintenance. 

Want more information on Fiber or have a question about it!?

Email me.

Go get your fiber on! :)

Have a Great Day Everyone and Do something Healthy for yourself Today!

Caitlin *


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