Friday, July 15, 2011



Hey Everyone! :) I hope you all are enjoying the beautiful summer we've had so far...a little on the hot side but it could be worse of course!

I wanted to talk a little bit about a new concept the USDA has set forth. This new concept is, in my opinion, an EXCELLENT way to really put into perspective what healthy eating LOOKS like. Yes of course we've all heard we need to eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and beans/nuts, and low-fat/fat free dairy products...but what does that mean to us on a meal to meal basis? How can I make sure I am eating a balanced, healthy, and wholesome meal that includes enough but not too much of the vitamins, minerals, carbs, proteins, fats, fiber, etc?

Well look no further...

WELCOME THE MYPLATE! aka the plate method. This method has been used for years by Dietitians and other health professionals to make healthy eating simple and to be able to use it on a meal to meal basis. No more counting how many servings of fruits and vegetables you've had or carbs for that matter. Just use the My Plate and you're all set.

Okay, so you're now wondering...what the heck is MyPlate?

It's a symbol that has replaced the MyPyramid...which we all hopefully remember from way back in elementary school. The MyPyramid is GONE and has been replaced by a new and improved and in my opinion, a much better symbol and visual for the representation of what a healthy meal looks like.

The best part is that you can use this as a template and then make it your own! We are no longer counting servings of fruits and vegetables or grams of protein or anything of that nature!

Take a look at the MyPlate picture on the top of this post. Here we are looking at a 9" plate I believe...which is SMALLER than your plates at home...most likely.

You can use this template for each meal...breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The plate shows you a balanced meal. FINALLY, WE HAVE AN ANSWER TO A BALANCED MEAL!!! YAYY!!!!

Okay, so let's look at the MyPlate in terms of the components because it looks self explanatory but there are a few loop holes in the system.

  1. Fruits- about 1/4 of your plate should be all meals.

  2. Vegetables- about 1/4-1/2 your plate should be NON-STARCHY vegetables. This includes any vegetables EXCEPT: BEANS, LENTILS, CORN, POTATOES (sweet potatoes and all other potatoes), and WINTER SQUASHES. Those are considered starchy vegetables and according to their properties they are actually considered carbohydrates/grains in the MyPlate. *Note: If you'd rather consume half of your plate vegetables at a meal, that's fine, you can use your fruit section and fill it with vegetables.

  3. Grains: 1/4 of your plate should be filled with whole grains. Whole wheat bread (about 2 slices), whole grain pancakes, brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, whole wheat/grain pasta, potatoes, corn, winter squashes, lentils, beans, etc. All considered part of the grain family.

  4. Protein- 1/4 of your plate should be filled with lean protein rich foods such as: lean meats, poultry, fish, beans (if you are a vegetarian), eggs, nuts,greek yogurt (it is high in protein compared to regular yogurt), edamame, etc.

5. Dairy- a side of dairy at each meal...could also be a soy or rice or almond like product if you are allergic to dairy or have lactose intolerance or just prefer an alternate source. This includes yogurt, milk, low-fat/fat-free cheese, etc.

That's the break down of the MyPlate. Simple to use at each meal. Use it as a picture when you are putting together a meal. It is also helpful if you use it as a checklist...ask half o my plate full with fruits and veggies? Did I include a protein source? Where's my dairy or dairy substitute? Am I including 1-3 servings of grains(depending on your gender and your activity level your recommended intake varies)? Those are the questions you should be asking yourself.

You won't need to worry about having enough of this vitamin or that mineral if you are using this method. Make sure you are however varying what you put on your plate! That's the fun part though...making your plate fit to what you like to eat. No one is saying you have to eat broccoli if you don't like one is telling you WHAT to eat...YOU decide that!

SO I am going to leave you with this information...however, if you'd like more information on MyPlate please visit . It is full of great and helpful information. OR you can comment on the post and ask a question or provide a comment right onto this post. OR feel free to email me at .

Print this post out and you can use it whenever you are preparing a meal! Or just print out the MyPlate symbol and get started! I'd love to hear how applying this method helps any of you get to your health please comment!!

I challenge you to use MyPlate for one meal today.

Have a healthy day everybody!


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