Saturday, July 16, 2011

Move as much as you can

Here's a Challenge....

Move your body as much as you can throughout the day.

Sounds lame, I know, but in reality, that's one of our biggest issues now a days. We just aren't moving our bodies enough. The majority of us sit in cars, busses, subways, trains, etc. in order to get to work and then we end up sitting all day at work (9-13 hours a day of pure sitting).

Being sedentary is no bueno (no good). We all know this, but then we tell ourselves that if we go to the gym 1 hour a day (or so) that we've moved our bodies enough. WRONG! That really means about only 1 hour out of the 24 in a day we are moving.

Now having said that, it is great if you are spending an hour at the gym each day...but the truth is, the majority of us DO NOT get that hour of exercise a day. The majority of us are barely getting the recommended minimum of 30 min of moderate to vigorous exercise each day. Either way, it's usually not enough.

It's simply not enough. Doing that amount of exercise a day brings us back up to baseline...where "normal" health status is considered. BUT do we want to be at a normal health status? OR do we instead want to be at a OPTIMAL health status?

In order to maintain OPTIMAL health status we need to move MORE. Here are some ways we can move our bodies more:

1. Wear a pedometer. Get at least 10,000 steps in a day. TRUST ME, it's not easy. BUT it's so worth it. Walk as much as you can. French people aren't crazy gym bunnies...but they are slender. WHY? Because they walk everywhere and move their bodies naturally and consistently throughout the day. I think they are on to something...

2. Move your legs as much as possible. Sitting in a chair at work? March with your one has to know. Nervous wreck? Great, use that energy and do that bounce your leg thing at your desk.

3. Everyone says it but not many are doing it...when you are at your office or whatever, WALK to your co-workers desk if you can and have a conversation with them face to face instead of emailing or calling.

4. Set a kitchen timer or put into your calendar a "Get up and move" break every 90 minutes at work. TRUST ME, no one will miss you for a couple minutes. Go to the bathroom...walk to get water...whatever you need to do in order to get that break in.

5. Lunch break at work- go for a walk. Find someone who has the same goals as you and go for a walk with them. Take half of your lunch break and turn it into a walk. Use the other half to eat. (By the way I recommend you take the first half of your lunch break as the walk and the second as you meal time...people find excuses to not walk after they eat).

6. When you are at your house, apartment, etc...move as much as you can. Watching TV? You don't need to sit to do can be watching TV while walking around or folding laundry or march in place. Seriously, every step counts. Talking on the phone with a family member or friend? Pace around during the conversation. Sitting isn't necessary the majority of the time.

7. PARK YOUR CAR FAR FAR AWAY. Plus, that means less dents in your car, as my parents would say. There is no need to get the first spot after the handicap ones. That is pure laziness. It will take you an extra minute to get to the store if you park FAR FAR AWAY. And you can't tell me you don't have an extra MINUTE. Every little bit adds up.

8. When you get home from work, resist the urge to SIT down. Find something to do...something active and productive. Like to knit or sew or crochet or read? AWESOME! DO IT STANDING UP and move your legs. Been meaning to organize the closet? GREAT! Do it. Be on your feet. Move AROUND. GO FOR A WALK...bring the dog, cat, goldfish, family member, friend, significant other, etc WITH YOU. Make it a habit. Even if its 5-10 minutes...its something.

9. Going out with your friends to drink on a Friday/Saturday night? Great, go dance before/during/after. Or play pool or ride a bull.

10. Find a hobby that is active and makes you move more. It doesn't matter if it's a dance class like Zumba, fly-fishing, going to the gym, sight seeing, crocodile hunting, gardening, doing cartwheels,etc...JUST FIND SOMETHING YOU LOVE AND IF IT'S NOT ACTIVE...find a way to make it more active.

I know this sounds redundent and a little like "I've heard these a thousand times already Caitlin" but honestly, you've heard it a thousand times because it is the key to burning more calories. The more you do the more calories you burn the more fat you burn the better you feel. And who doesn't want to feel better?

SO GET MOVING. And have fun with it. If it's not fun, then you need to find something that is.

It's going to take a little creativity on your part, but I think using your brain is a GOOD THING. :)

Have a healthy and happy day all!


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