Sunday, January 1, 2012

And, here is that something good!

This is the start of something good. This website is designed to help each and every one of us find what truly makes us feel good, because I believe that everyone deep down wants to be healthy.

This website is a place where we can learn, grow, and achieve our goals together. It's a place where we can share our goals, accomplishments, successes, challenges, and even our workouts with one another. My hope is that this community will foster an environment that is positive and in support of real change. A place where we can come together and support one another, because as we all know, change isn't always easy. 

Let's stop comparing ourselves to magazine covers and start doing things that make us feel proud of who we already are. Let's help one another feel empowered to make positive changes that will last a lifetime.

Caitlin Croteau Fitness has been a work in progress for over a year now. With the help of Nick Glimenakis and his amazing creativity and talent, this website and vision is able to come alive.

I invite you to check out the website and share it with anyone. I feel we can all benefit from one another's thoughts and experiences.

Positivity starts here.

Do Something Healthy For Yourself,

-Caitlin *

Check out Nick Glimenakis Photography at:

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