Wednesday, January 18, 2012

If you focus on just winning, you'll never win.

You have to focus on what it will take to win and WHY you want to win.

Yes, I am talking about YOUR GOAL.
I got the inspiration to write this post from my oh-so-inspiring friend Sam, who wrote in the online community that her goals are to: "run a 5k, a 10k, a half marathon, to lose 100# while doing it, and to be happy and healthy". NOW, this is what I am talking about. 

She could have just said "I want to lose 100#". BUT instead, she's got it all right. She wants to accomplish road races, to find true health and true happiness, which will lead to weight loss as she goes through her journey.  

I always tell my "clients"..."if you focus on solely on losing weight, you never will (or maybe after doing Weight Watchers for the 18th time in your life you will, but it will find it's way back to your hips). Losing weight is a side effect of you getting to your goal. The goal cannot be just to lose weight". "Dig deeper", I would tell them.

There is always an underlying reason WHY you want to lose weight: to have more confidence, to feel good in your own body, to be more proud of who you are, to finish a road race, to wear a bikini and feel good at the beach, to be healthy, to live a long life that is disease-free, to be able to run around with your kids/grandkids, to feel like nothing is holding you back, etc etc. THAT'S YOUR REAL GOAL. Right there. The side effect is WEIGHT LOSS. 

Your main goal is actually the reason WHY you want to lose weight. 

You see?

We've had it all wrong for years! This whole time we've been solely focusing on weight loss, weight loss, weight loss. But in reality, we totally left out working on that WHY factor.

So many women who come to work with me have done everything in the book to lose weight, and at times, had been very successful at it. But the weight has always found its' way back, and in some cases, plus some.  But one part they never worked on before was the underlying reasons why they wanted to lose weight. Now that is some powerful stuff right there.

If you focus on doing things that bring you closer to feeling healthy, happy, more proud of who you are, confident, etc...then weight loss will most likely follow.

Although losing weight MAY make you feel happier,  healthier, more proud of who you are, and more confident, I will still argue that when you work from the inside out, when you dig deep and realize your WHY factor, the rewards of reaching your goal and losing the weight, ARE SO MUCH BETTER. 

You will most likely feel whole again, and the weight, well, it will never come back.

Do Something Healthy for Yourself, 

-Caitlin *

Start Sharing Your Journey with Us Today.


Joanne said...

Cait, every now and then I come read your blog when I have a free minute... and I have to say this is my favorite post yet! It's inspirational, and so powerful (if you think about it). I want to show your blog to EVERYONE I know...

Caitlin said...

Thank you Joanne! :) That comment just made my day!

Please, feel free to pass the blog/website along to anyone you know.


Anonymous said...

this is fucking retarded