Monday, December 19, 2011

Motivation Monday: Try something you are SCARED of

 This video was taken right when I got home. SOO yes, my make up is all over my face and yes, my hair is wet like I took a shower, and yes, I was a sweaty mess.

So today, I decided I would try Bikram Yoga (hot yoga). It's 90 minutes of intense yoga in 104 degrees F environment.

Why was I scared to do it? Well, for one it didn't ever sound appealing to me. Hot environment, closed doors, 90 minutes, of YOGA (stretching and lengthening is not my thing). Also, think about this...doing all of that in a room full of possibly very sweaty, smelly people. 

I think I was also scared that I wouldn't be able to handle that type of environment/exercise. So I guess, slightly scared I would find that I have limits.

NEEDLESS to say, I wanted to try it anyways out of curiosity and the slight feeling that I would actually like it.

Turns out, I did enjoy it. I felt great after! It took me to a different place inside and outside. It was a great experience!

  I think I will probably do it once a week or a couple of times a month.  :)  

The Day after My First Bikram Yoga

The feeling I woke up to was amazing. I felt energized yet relaxed at the same time. I felt rejuvenated. I also felt light. :) Great feeling. TRY IT!!!

Do Something Healthy for Yourself,

Caitlin *

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